tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622 Time As My Only Measure & the thing to do is just stand still... timeasmymeasure 2013-10-20T02:13:56Z tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:137530 oh cool: Halloween Meme :) 2013-10-20T01:46:43Z 2013-10-20T02:13:56Z amused public 4 Halloween is coming!<br /><blockquote>Comment "trick-or-treat" to this post and...well, you know the drill. Treats can be anything that strikes my fancy (pics of fave actors or pairings, one sentence fics, graphics, a few words why I'm glad to have you on my flist, etc. etc.). The more "houses" to visit the more fun it'll be, so go ahead, open your journal and help spread the fun!</blockquote><br /><br />Will repost a link the day before Halloween (All Hallows' Eve's eve?)<br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=137530" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:137273 how to make friends and hopefully not alienate people 2013-10-20T01:06:18Z 2013-10-20T01:58:23Z curious public 13 So how do you make friends on Dreamwidth? <br /><br />I ask because the question occurred to me earlier today as I went on the hunt for some new folks to subscribe to. Dreamwidth has a unique &quot;friending&quot; system, where you can subscribe to a journal without granting access to more personal posts (or whatever you have on filters). The thing about this is, when subscribing to a journal I feel like I have to hit 'grant access' as well because that's the only way they'll know who I am/what kind of posts I write. My public posts aren't really &quot;windows to my soul&quot; or whatever and the stuff I have under the access filter is more of who I am from day to day. As such, I feel that I have to expose myself for a week or two, before deciding to either withdraw the access or allow it to continue.<br /><br />So how do you do it Circle? Do you subscribe first, then grant access after getting to know a person? Do you subscribe and grant access all at once, and if so what's your thought process?<br /><br />ETA:&nbsp;Do you always check out/subscribe to the journals that subscribe to you (at least at first)?<br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=137273" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:136714 SIGNAL BOOST: CHROMICONS ICON CHALLENGE 2013-10-19T23:23:19Z 2013-10-19T23:23:46Z public 2 <center><img width="354" height="77" alt="" src="http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l133/RavenclawBest/headerbr.png" /><br /><img width="354" height="170" alt="" src="http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l133/RavenclawBest/chromicons.png" /><br /><br /><span style='white-space: nowrap;'><a href='https://chromicons.dreamwidth.org/profile'><img src='https://www.dreamwidth.org/img/silk/identity/community.png' alt='[community profile] ' width='16' height='16' style='vertical-align: text-bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 1px;' /></a><a href='https://chromicons.dreamwidth.org/'><b>chromicons</b></a></span>&nbsp;<br />Round 5 is ongoing and accepting submissions. It's not too late to join in the fun!! <br /><br />All you have to do to participate is create a minimum of ten icons fulfilling the round's challenge, each featuring a person/character of color. Enter at any time, it is not necessary to participate every week.</center><br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=136714" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:136514 Happy Birthday!! 2013-10-01T00:11:29Z 2013-10-01T00:11:58Z happy public 3 <div style="text-align: center;">Happy Birthday to <span style='white-space: nowrap;'><a href='https://kowe.dreamwidth.org/profile'><img src='https://www.dreamwidth.org/img/silk/identity/user.png' alt='[personal profile] ' width='17' height='17' style='vertical-align: text-bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 1px;' /></a><a href='https://kowe.dreamwidth.org/'><b>kowe</b></a></span> and all my birthday twins!!! <br /><br /> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/Bmcj4TZ.jpg" width="300" height="300" alt="" /></div><br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=136514" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:136436 thank goodness for magazine editorials (never thought I'd say that) 2013-09-26T07:25:11Z 2013-09-26T07:47:00Z Get It Over With by Rihanna okay public 5 One of the worst days of grad school so far. <br />Naturally, I turn to pictures of Idris Elba for comfort.<br />#selfcare<br /><br />A <a href="http://multibeautiful.dreamwidth.org/78428.html" target="_blank">sampling of the pics I posted on</a>&nbsp;<span style='white-space: nowrap;'><a href='https://multibeautiful.dreamwidth.org/profile'><img src='https://www.dreamwidth.org/img/silk/identity/community.png' alt='[community profile] ' width='16' height='16' style='vertical-align: text-bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 1px;' /></a><a href='https://multibeautiful.dreamwidth.org/'><b>multibeautiful</b></a></span>&nbsp;(which you should subscribe to!).<br /><br /><img src="http://i.imgur.com/EhqYuU8.jpg" width="250" height="315" alt="" />&nbsp;<img src="http://i.imgur.com/cSGYdqI.jpg" width="250" height="315" alt="" />&nbsp;<img src="http://i.imgur.com/QdDas0q.jpg" width="250" height="315" alt="" /><br /><br />You can see how this would be a great way to unwind.<br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=136436" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:135437 Ichabbie. It's a thing now. 2013-09-17T21:01:47Z 2013-09-17T21:02:28Z public 5 You should watch Sleepy Hollow on FOX. <br /><br />You really should.<br /><br />Because Nicole Beharie's flawlessness.<br /><br /><img src="http://24.media.tumblr.com/c588cd624b077ca954a60338114fa2ee/tumblr_mta58emC5r1qat4duo1_500.png" width="310" height="372" alt="" /><br /><a href="http://summerinohio.tumblr.com/post/61509183875/youre-not-gonna-break-character-huh-okay-ill"><span style="font-size: smaller;">xximg source</span></a><br /><br type="_moz" /><br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=135437" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:133353 signal boost 2012-07-08T21:55:18Z 2012-07-08T21:55:34Z public 1 <span style='white-space: nowrap;'><a href='https://help-for-ephemere.dreamwidth.org/profile'><img src='https://www.dreamwidth.org/img/silk/identity/community.png' alt='[community profile] ' width='16' height='16' style='vertical-align: text-bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 1px;' /></a><a href='https://help-for-ephemere.dreamwidth.org/'><b>help_for_ephemere</b></a></span><div>&nbsp;</div><div style="margin-left: 80px; ">This is a fundraiser to benefit ephemere, with the aim of supporting her in the wake of her losing her job, home, and good relations with her family due to homophobia. The idea of this fundraiser was conceived by friends of ephemere, and is being run with her permission. Funds will go to rent, utilities, food, and medical bills.</div><br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=133353" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:131897 you'll like this, also wild animals do not belong in zoos 2012-05-06T05:47:39Z 2012-05-06T05:49:18Z public 4 icon chosen for poor kitty's frustration<br /><br /><iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/jaHHF9clnjQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe><br />this lion is trying HARD and the baby is all 'heroes don't look at explosions... or lions trying to eat them'.<br /><br /><br type="_moz" /><br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=131897" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:131019 snowflake of the blogging world 2012-04-30T19:12:14Z 2012-04-30T19:14:12Z Cascada - Truly Madly Deeply remix calm public 2 I just discovered that customized comment pages probably don't work on the 'Basic' account level on Livejournal. Oh, how I have missed your particular brand of fuckery, Eljay.<br /><br />Also, apparently:<br />from <span style='white-space: nowrap;'><a href='http://lickbrains.livejournal.com/profile'><img src='https://www.dreamwidth.org/img/external/lj-userinfo.gif' alt='[livejournal.com profile] ' style='vertical-align: text-bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 1px;' width='17' height='17'/></a><a href='http://lickbrains.livejournal.com/'><b>lickbrains</b></a></span>:<blockquote>Livejournal Scrapbook is going away. Your 10GB of Paid Member space is now 2GB. If you care, there is an explanation in Russian on the Russian news page. There's also a user-submitted translation.<br /><br />+ You will no longer have access to your Scrapbook once this goes live.<br />+ Your images will redirect, but the URL will be different.<br />+ Unable to tell what will happen to any photos you have that put you over the 2GB limit.<br />+ Back up your Scrapbook just in case.<br />+ If you want your photos transferred over now instead of waiting, let them know here.</blockquote><br /><br />Sigh.<br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=131019" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:130702 I might as well handle this while I'm in an upswing so: 2012-04-30T07:08:56Z 2012-04-30T19:14:38Z awake public 8 Unsubscribing/de-friending/de-accessing/etc amnesty. Feel free to remove me from your subscriptions/flist at will, as has always been my circle policy. I'll also be doing the same since I might have hit critical mental mass on my own subscriptions and I stress out about not connecting with you as I should have. <br /><br />This post is also going to mark the start of my crossposting to LJ. While my issues with LJ have been <strong>ISSUES</strong>, I am missing out on some great people, and I've been a bit of a selfish person not doing them the courtesy of lurking out on LJ as they do my DW. So yeah, I'm on both bases now :)<br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=130702" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:129904 30 years since a Black woman was the lead on a network show in the US. 2012-04-07T22:37:17Z 2012-04-09T07:13:59Z public 9 Unfortunately I can't exactly contribute to ratings since I'm without a TV but if my worth lies in spamming about it, then spam I shall.<br /><br />If you don't already know, Kerry Washington's face is in this new show called Scandal on ABC:<br /><span class="cut-wrapper"><span style="display: none;" id="span-cuttag___1" class="cuttag"></span><b class="cut-open">(&nbsp;</b><b class="cut-text"><a href="https://timeasmymeasure.dreamwidth.org/129904.html#cutid1">gifs under the cut</a></b><b class="cut-close">&nbsp;)</b></span><div style="display: none;" id="div-cuttag___1" aria-live="assertive"></div><br /><br />Blurb from le Wiki:<br /><blockquote>Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) dedicates her life to protecting the public images of the nation's elite and making sure their secrets never get out. Olivia is a former White House communications director for the President, but has left to start her own crisis management firm, Olivia Pope and Associates. She is hoping to begin a new chapter of her life, but is finding out that she cannot leave parts of her past behind.</blockquote>The show is not perfect, and I can't stand some characters already, but we've got Bechdel (since the women tend to talk about work due to the fact the personal lives are a bit of a mess) and characters of color (multiple even) and badass HBICs stomping all over Washington and owning everything. I approve.<br /><br />Please, please, don't let this go the <i>Undercovers</i> way. I've already heard too much about how unrealistic and cheesy it can be and to all these people I say, I know you watched <i>Chuck</i>. Don't talk to me about unrealistic and cheesy. It's TV land, people. We like unreal, remember!<br /><br />Also, Kerry Washington's amazing face (I mean, really now!) renders all your arguments invalid.<br /><img src="http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2380rG4U11qzymqao1_500.png" alt="" /> <br />from <a href="http://squintyoureyes.tumblr.com/post/20627457718" class="source_link" style="color: rgb(107, 91, 86); text-decoration: none; font-family: Georgia, Palatino, &#39;Palatino Linotype&#39;, Times, &#39;Times New Roman&#39;, serif; font-size: 9px; letter-spacing: 1px; line-height: 11px; text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; ">squintyoureyes</a><br /><br type="_moz" /><br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=129904" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:129589 This week has been shit 2012-03-23T05:43:54Z 2012-03-23T20:19:02Z public 7 So I'm watching Sailor Moon episodes!<br /> <span class="cut-wrapper"><span style="display: none;" id="span-cuttag___1" class="cuttag"></span><b class="cut-open">(&nbsp;</b><b class="cut-text"><a href="https://timeasmymeasure.dreamwidth.org/129589.html#cutid1">gif</a></b><b class="cut-close">&nbsp;)</b></span><div style="display: none;" id="div-cuttag___1" aria-live="assertive"></div><br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=129589" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:128758 it's the most wonderful time of the year AKA the time you seriously consider unfriending me 2012-03-06T23:17:00Z 2012-03-07T01:31:40Z public 9 <div style="text-align: center; "><span style='white-space: nowrap;'><a href='http://f-march-madness.livejournal.com/profile'><img src='https://www.dreamwidth.org/img/external/lj-community.gif' alt='[livejournal.com profile] ' style='vertical-align: text-bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 1px;' width='16' height='16'/></a><a href='http://f-march-madness.livejournal.com/'><b>f_march_madness</b></a></span>&nbsp;<br /><br />&nbsp; <img alt="" src="http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0abuwOgs31qeezj8o1_500.gif" /><br /><br /><span style='white-space: nowrap;'><a href='http://f-march-madness.livejournal.com/profile'><img src='https://www.dreamwidth.org/img/external/lj-community.gif' alt='[livejournal.com profile] ' style='vertical-align: text-bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 1px;' width='16' height='16'/></a><a href='http://f-march-madness.livejournal.com/'><b>f_march_madness</b></a></span>&nbsp;<br /><br />LISTEN UP.<br />FEMALE-IDENTIFIED CHARACTERS AND CHARACTERS OF COLOR NEED YOUR HELP, NEED YOUR VOTE. IF YOU HAVE AN LJ ACCOUNT THAT WASN'T CREATED YESTERDAY, GO OVER THERE AND HELP THESE QUALITY CHARACTERS OUT! THE ONLY TIME I'LL ASK YOU TO GO BACK TO LJ, I PROMISE.<br /><br />DO IT FOR SHERLOCK FANDOM WHERE JOHN AND SHERLOCK DON'T DESERVE TO WIN.<br /><br />DO IT FOR GAME OF THRONES FANDOM WHERE THE WOMEN GO HARD.<br /><br />DO IT FOR THE WOMEN OF GLEE WHO ARE CONSTANTLY SHAT UPON BY TOO MANY WHITE DICKS.<br /><br />DO IT FOR THE DOCTOR WHO COMPANIONS WHO GET SHAT UPON BY MOFFAT AND THE ENTIRE MOTHERFUCKING FANDOM.<br /><br />REJOICE IN THE FACT THAT MERLIN IS NOT IN THIS MATCH BECAUSE HOLY SHIT THE RACISM AND SEXISM THAT HAPPENS!<br /><br />DO IT BECAUSE THE SOONER YOU DO WHAT I WANT, THE SOONER I STOP TALKING IN ALL CAPS.<br /><br /><strong>STRATEGY: </strong>WHEN IN DOUBT, THE FEMALE CHARACTER AND/OR POC WINS YOUR VOTE. IF YOU CAN MANAGE BOTH AT ONCE, EVEN BETTER.<br /><br /><strong>STRATEGY:</strong>&nbsp;WHEN FACED WITH TOO MANY OPTIONS, THE ONE WITH THE BEST CHANCE WINS!&nbsp;<br />example: currently in the Sherlock category, Watson is winning and Sherlock close behind; this is bad; Irene is the closest challenger, Sally and Molly and Mrs. Hud aren't quite to that level. <em><strong>VOTE IRENE</strong></em> SO WE CAN <strike>KILL</strike> VOTE OFF JOHN AND ENSURE SHERLOCK DOESN'T COME IN AND TAKE IT ALL.<br /><br />COLD AND CALCULATED. LET'S TAKE THIS THING.<br /><br /><span style='white-space: nowrap;'><a href='http://f-march-madness.livejournal.com/profile'><img src='https://www.dreamwidth.org/img/external/lj-community.gif' alt='[livejournal.com profile] ' style='vertical-align: text-bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 1px;' width='16' height='16'/></a><a href='http://f-march-madness.livejournal.com/'><b>f_march_madness</b></a></span>&nbsp;</div><br /><br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=128758" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:128064 always feel funny writing 'play' when meaning 'acting as' 2012-03-04T09:26:17Z 2012-03-05T07:44:31Z Teairra Mari - Make Her Feel Good critical public 4 Idris Elba is playing Nelson Mandela.<br /><br />The African in me doesn't know how to feel about this yet.<br /><br />On one hand, IDRIS ELBA (and his <em>face</em>) PLAYING MANDELA. <br /><br />On the other hand, Idris Elba is playing Mandela, a role they could have given to a South African actor.<br /><br />Yes, he's of African descent (parents from Ghana and Sierra Leone, I believe), but that is so... <strong>FAR </strong>from South Africa.<br /><br />But yeah. Idris Elba is playing Nelson Mandela.<br /><br />Guess I should just be glad that Mandela was too black to be white washed. <br /><br />Heh. Sorry, my cynicism about showbiz's race politics is showing.<br /><br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=128064" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:127631 the eye of Sauron... ahem, Google is upon you (or at least will be March 1) 2012-02-29T08:36:14Z 2012-03-03T09:08:14Z amused public 1 <a href="http://arduinna.dreamwidth.org/38503.html?style=site#purge">Purge your web history, and your Youtube history</a>. Be sure to get at ALL your accounts if you have any. <br /> <br />Lovely summary and alternative listing and discussion in the comments on <span style='white-space: nowrap;'><a href='https://arduinna.dreamwidth.org/profile'><img src='https://www.dreamwidth.org/img/silk/identity/user.png' alt='[personal profile] ' width='17' height='17' style='vertical-align: text-bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 1px;' /></a><a href='https://arduinna.dreamwidth.org/'><b>arduinna</b></a></span>'s <a href="http://arduinna.dreamwidth.org/38503.html?style=site">journal here</a>:<span class="cut-wrapper"><span style="display: none;" id="span-cuttag___1" class="cuttag"></span><b class="cut-open">(&nbsp;</b><b class="cut-text"><a href="https://timeasmymeasure.dreamwidth.org/127631.html#cutid1">Read more...</a></b><b class="cut-close">&nbsp;)</b></span><div style="display: none;" id="div-cuttag___1" aria-live="assertive"></div><br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=127631" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:127267 god i really need to get to my inbox and respond to y'all but... Lucy Liu is Joan Watson 2012-02-28T03:00:36Z 2012-03-03T09:08:55Z aggravated public 25 Lucy Liu has been cast as Joan Watson in <em>Elementary</em>, a CBS revamp of Sherlock Holmes.<br /><br />Fandom (you can guess which part), proceeds to lose its shit over the loss of gay subtext:<br /><br />(BTW, these quotes are just a sampling of so much wrongness on the internet and they get no links because assholes in my fandom you gets no love)<span class="cut-wrapper"><span style="display: none;" id="span-cuttag___1" class="cuttag"></span><b class="cut-open">(&nbsp;</b><b class="cut-text"><a href="https://timeasmymeasure.dreamwidth.org/127267.html#cutid1">Read more...</a></b><b class="cut-close">&nbsp;)</b></span><div style="display: none;" id="div-cuttag___1" aria-live="assertive"></div><br /><br />Meanwhile the rarer and more awesome parts of fandom have been dreamcasting their own topdown genderswap (Indira Varma as Sherlock, Ruth Wilson as Moriarty, Gina Bellman as Mycroft, Gina Torres as Sherlock, Sanaa Lathan as Lestrade, Archie Punjabi as Sherlock!) and I'm going to go hang out with them now.<br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=127267" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:127203 so the oscar highlights were... 2012-02-27T07:45:06Z 2012-02-27T07:56:29Z whatever public 5 Billy Crystal doing blackface. <br />-_-<br /><br /><br />Octavia Spencer winning.<br />^_^<br /><br /><br />Viola Davis not winning.<br />:((<br /><br />Chris Rock laying down truthiness because no fat princesses for you or actual humanity for POC&nbsp;and more whitewashing and more white men living out ideal fantasies... whee!<br /><blockquote> I love animation because in the world of animation, you can be anything you wanna be. If you&rsquo;re a fat woman, you can play a skinny princess. If you&rsquo;re a short, wimpy guy, you can play a tall gladiator. If you&rsquo;re a white man, you can play an Arabian prince. And if you&rsquo;re a black man, you can play a donkey or a zebra. -</blockquote><blockquote style="text-align: right;">CHRIS ROCK, introducing the Best Animated Film Oscar. </blockquote>And I got all this and didn't have to sit through that thing. Thank God for the internet 'nahmean?<br /><br />I promise I'm not ignoring comments on my previous posts, I'm just trying to figure out where I put my spoons.<br /><br /><br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=127203" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:126935 The state of Arizona is smoking that pure isshh lately 2012-02-27T02:22:49Z 2012-02-27T02:22:58Z public 6 From Immigration to Education now:<br /><br /><strong>via </strong><a href="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46487781/ns/local_news-phoenix_az/t/panel-approves-measure-forcing-non-athletes-average-college-students-pay/#.T0bHwvEgdOg"><strong>MSNBC</strong></a><strong>:</strong><br /><blockquote>Students at Arizona's three state universities will have to pay -- or borrow -- at least $2,000 a year to get an education under terms of legislation approved by a House panel today.<p>&nbsp;</p> Rep. John Kavanagh, R-Fountain Hills, said students should have some &quot;skin in the game.'' He said students will take their schooling more seriously and be less likely to drop out if they have made an investment.<br /><br /> &quot;I really believe that when something is given to you, you don't have the appreciation of having put in some work,'' agreed Rep. John Fillmore, R-Apache Junction.<br /><br /> He said $2,000 out of $9,000 annual tuition is not that big a deal. Even with books and fees, Kavanagh said that adds only another $1,500 a year.<br /><br /> Kavanagh said that would leave students with $14,000 debt after four years, &quot;less than the cost of a Chevy Sonic.''<br /><br /> &quot;And I personally believe that degrees from our universities are worth far more than Chevy Sonics,'' he said. Anyway, Kavanagh said that is a small amount, as college grads earn anywhere from $500,000 to $1 million more over their lifetimes than those who do not have a higher education.<br /><br /></blockquote><a href="http://www.change.org/petitions/the-arizona-panel-dont-add-2000-more-to-tuition-at-az-universities">A&nbsp;petition to drop this is here</a>.<br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=126935" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:125938 this is an insomnia post 2012-02-21T12:13:56Z 2012-02-21T12:15:30Z devious public 2 My academic productivity tonight has been NIL, however I'VE CRACKED THE MYSTERIES OF THE TOPBAR!<br /><br />Well, sort of. It's messy right now and it only took...oh, all night to actually figure out which code to tweak, but still yay!<br /><br />Lookie look! <br /><span style='white-space: nowrap;'><a href='https://timeasmymeasure.dreamwidth.org/profile'><img src='https://www.dreamwidth.org/img/silk/identity/user.png' alt='[personal profile] ' width='17' height='17' style='vertical-align: text-bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 1px;' /></a><a href='https://timeasmymeasure.dreamwidth.org/'><b>timeasmymeasure</b></a></span><br /><br />Now to figure out whether I should sleep till 12 and possibly sleep through class and a meeting or stay up all night and day, crash and still miss all my shit... this bad decision or that bad decision?<br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=125938" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:125441 Fun! 2012-02-20T02:26:12Z 2012-02-20T02:27:49Z public 0 <a href="http://century-fox.livejournal.com/99874.html">Fabulous Fictional Females: a lady lovefest meme</a><blockquote><b>Rules:</b> All you have to do is comment with the name of a female character (whether it's from a TV show, movie, book, etc.), and then both you and everyone else can respond to that comment with anything relating to that character: fics and fic prompts, graphics, icons, discussions of why they're awesome, etc. Basically, it's a meme just to share love for your favorite female characters (and possibly make some new friends in the process!) And, of course, let me know if you have any questions. :)<br /><br /><b>Example:</b><br /><br /><img width="640" height="373" border="0" alt="" src="http://pics.livejournal.com/century_fox/pic/0004cfrd/s640x480" /><br /><br /></blockquote><br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=125441" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:123794 I. CANNOT. 2012-02-08T23:16:06Z 2012-02-09T00:44:08Z predatory public 22 <div style="text-align: center;"><a target="_blank" href="http://www.thismoi.com/2012/01/good-lord-you-racist-dicks/"><img border="0" src="http://i40.tinypic.com/qn21xx.jpg" style="width: 629px; height: 353px;" alt="" /></a></div><br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=123794" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:123448 a little good news 2012-02-07T18:52:06Z 2012-02-07T18:52:24Z public 0 <a href="http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/racewireblog/~3/pqsG6SCOH_U/prop_8.html">Prop. 8 Ruled Unconstitutional</a>!<br />I'm sure the bigots are gearing up for a fight that goes all the way to the Supreme Court though.<br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=123448" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:122904 Lookie Lookie 2012-02-02T06:10:45Z 2012-02-02T06:12:04Z awake public 9 I'm knitting! I've just found out I'm absolute pants at purling (which doesn't even make sense because that's just a reverse knit), but the knitting's going. I'm going for a few inches a day, trying to get a scarf done by March 1st. At least that's my optimistic goal. <br /><br />But here, my novice knitting let me show you it!<br /><span class="cut-wrapper"><span style="display: none;" id="span-cuttag___1" class="cuttag"></span><b class="cut-open">(&nbsp;</b><b class="cut-text"><a href="https://timeasmymeasure.dreamwidth.org/122904.html#cutid1">photo of said knitting</a></b><b class="cut-close">&nbsp;)</b></span><div style="display: none;" id="div-cuttag___1" aria-live="assertive"></div><br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=122904" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:121739 we all knew this was coming 2012-01-25T06:50:06Z 2012-01-25T08:27:32Z public 6 Google loves your data. Google loves your data a lot.<br /> <blockquote>In a radical privacy shift, Google announced today that it tracks users across all services&mdash;email, Search, YouTube and more&mdash;sharing information across all with no option to opt out. The change was announced today will go into effect <strong>March 1</strong>. What it means is that if you are signed into your Google Account to use any service at all, it can and use that information on other services. [<a href="http://gizmodo.com/5878987/its-official-google-is-evil-now">gizmodo</a>]</blockquote><blockquote>What does this mean in practice? The main change is for users with Google Accounts. Our new Privacy Policy makes clear that, if you&rsquo;re signed in, we may combine information you've provided from one service with information from other services. In short, we&rsquo;ll treat you as a single user across all our products, which will mean a simpler, more intuitive Google experience. [<a href="http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2012/01/updating-our-privacy-policies-and-terms.html">google</a>]<br /></blockquote><strong><em>BASICALLY:</em></strong><em> Watch a slashy fanvid filled with rated R manips on youtube signed in to your work/business gmail? Congrats, that's forever connected! </em><br /><br />YAY!<br /><br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=121739" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments tag:dreamwidth.org,2009-08-25:440622:121367 also 2012-01-23T01:37:42Z 2012-01-23T01:39:03Z public 6 I've seen a lot of posts on tumblr, LJ, and DW on <a href="http://pics.livejournal.com/morgandawn/pic/0007hke0">this</a>, and thought maybe I should collect my thoughts a bit. Greedy big business aside, I believe the most appropriate summation I can think of is shit rains down. In this case, a media boycott would most likely hurt those with the least to gain from cooporate profits.<br /><br />So:<br /><br />Maybe buy from independent business, support independent artists not tied to the big labels, buy from your local bookstore/record store/etc?<br /><br />Maybe support <a href="http://www.opensource.org/">open source work</a>?<br /><br />Maybe support work created under <a href="http://creativecommons.org/">creative commons</a> licences?<br /><br />These ideas aren't comprehensive or necessarily &quot;good&quot;, but they seem more beneficial to me. Just a thought.<br /><br /><br /><img src="https://www.dreamwidth.org/tools/commentcount?user=timeasmymeasure&ditemid=121367" width="30" height="12" alt="comment count unavailable" style="vertical-align: middle;"/> comments