tim: Tim with short hair, smiling, wearing a black jacket over a white T-shirt (Default)
[personal profile] tim
Well, I'm on the front page of the Wellesley News this week -- here's the article (PDF). This is an ephemeral URL that will go away once the Wellesley News updates their site, so save a copy if you want to have one.

I thought that Lesley Thulin did a great job with the article. None of the Admissions Office staff were willing to comment on-the-record, but there was a fascinating comment from an anonymous Admissions Office staffer who said (column 4, page 2), among other things, that the admissions office had a climate of discouraging any mention of Wellesley's LGBTQ community to prospective students and their families.

To the extent that that anonymous source's perception is accurate, it's unfortunate that the administration doesn't align itself with Wellesley's student and faculty population in showing pride for the LGBTQ community at Wellesley, rather than distancing itself from it. And amusingly, by doing their best to try to make me shut up and go away, the admissions office has attracted way more negative publicity than they would have done by just letting me do an interview.

I love my alma mater, but the decisions made by the admissions office are cowardly.

If you would like to add your name to the petition being organized by current students, you can see the text of it at http://docs.com/BO71 and email Sarah Ditmars -- sditmars (domain name is what you'd expect) to add yourself. You should include your affiliation with the college (presumably for most people who haven't already signed on, that'll be "Class of [whatever]"). I didn't write the petition and if I had, I would have asked for something less strong (to wit, a statement of discrimination, with reasons why, or of non-discrimination), but I do support what it says.

(no subject)

Date: 2011-04-28 05:40 pm (UTC)
lizzieladie: (Default)
From: [personal profile] lizzieladie
I'm a Smith alum watching the similar issues blow up on our campus. Can I friend you so that I can stay abreast of the Wellesley situation too? I'm really curious about how this going to play out at the different women's colleges.

(no subject)

Date: 2011-05-10 08:13 am (UTC)
lindseykuper: Photo of me outside. (Default)
From: [personal profile] lindseykuper
That's a really good article -- way better than the usual campus paper fare. It does use the phrase "biologically female", though, where I think "assigned female at birth" was the intended meaning.

The whole "biologically male"/"biologically female" thing is so absurd. It reminds me of "native HTML5 support". You should have amibiologicallymaleyet.com.


tim: Tim with short hair, smiling, wearing a black jacket over a white T-shirt (Default)
Tim Chevalier

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