June (tifa) wrote,

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The Guilty Reader Book Tag

it's time for another book tag LOL i have a lot of these. by the way, where do you all go to get new layouts? i like mine, but it's waaaay too bright at night and it's a strain on the eyes. the graphic communities i used to frequent are no longer active or their layouts don't work with whatever css system lj changed 😣 i've tried changing the style colors but the background didn't change. i'm so sorry y'all keep getting flashbanged every time you comment. i appreciate your comments all the same 💖 please let me know if you have any resources! i'll be scouring for a layout that works in the meantime. i might just use my leftover tokens to use one of their "premium" layouts, but they're really...outdated looking 🤣🤣

got this one from bookmark chronicles. i tag my lj friends; please remember to tag me in yours so that i can comment! 😊💖

1) Have you ever regifted a book that you've been given?
...ya. i felt really bad about it at first, but the books were from an ex-friend that i had a falling out with. she had no idea what my tastes were, she had no idea who i was despite our decades of friendship, and she turned out to be a jerk so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ her loss. the person i gifted the books to enjoyed them much more than i did so i'm glad those books are in a new and loving home.

2) Have you ever said that you read a book when you actually haven't?
when i was younger, yes. i felt like i had a lot more to prove that i was a "real reader", but now i don't care what people think 😂 if i haven't read something, i'll be upfront about it. no shame.

3) Have you ever borrowed a book and not returned it?
again when i was younger, ya. most of them are just because i'm an extremely forgetful person and people were too timid to remind me 😣

4) Have you ever read a series out of order?
never a book series, but with manga, it used to happen frequently. as a kid/teen, the stores would have sales so i'd pick up random volumes and read them. i don't know why i did this 🤣🤣 it really bothered my friends and it bothered me as an adult when i was moving and found them again.

5) Have you ever spoiled a book for someone?
yaaaaaaaa.......really big reveals too. harry potter and jk rowling suck, but like you know that dumbledore dying spoiler meme? that wasn't a meme for me—that was my life. i felt so bad LOL i'm so incredibly dense, unfiltered, and absent-minded...how did i ever land a significant other. i don't fuckin know LMAO 😂😂 my s/o has to cut me off while talking because i always say something by accident.

6) Have you ever dog-eared pages in a book?
i used to when i was a piece of shit kid and dog-eared library books (i am sooooo sorry). however, now i would never even consider doing this, especially if the book isn't mine.

7) Have you ever told someone that you don't own a book when you actually do?
when i was younger, ya. i was really embarrassed to be so deep into some things, but i think with age and experience, i just stopped caring about public perception and shit.

8) Have you ever told someone that you haven't read a book when you have?
yes again, this happened when i was younger. i told people i never read "city of bones" and "twilight" because i absolutely loathed the authors (and still do), but again, i don't care if people know 😂

9) Have you ever skipped a chapter or a section in a book?
ya, i do it all the time, especially when i'm about to dnf. like i'll skip paragraphs if i think a book is getting nowhere, but sometimes i'll keep reading after skipping if it gets more interesting.

10) Have you ever badmouthed a book you actually liked?
i don't think so. i was always pretty honest about things i like. you're talking to a woman who would confess her crushes to people she barely knew from age 10 all through adulthood 😂 i'm very upfront when i like things/people.
Tags: me: meme tags quizzes, media: books

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