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Reading Habits Book Tag

gif from garden of words anime movie on netflix

hey everybody! i'm here with another wonderful book tag—i really hope i'm not annoying you with these. books, board games, and video games are the only things i've got going for me pretty much LOL speaking of which, my eyesight has drastically gotten significantly worse since i started reading on my phone at night. i'm considering buying an e-reader, specifically a kindle e-reader because my local library uses kindle to rent out their e-books to patrons. i'm interested in the paperwhite series, but there are multiple and i'm unsure what the differences are. i also heard that there's no color so that's a little disappointing. i love reading graphic novels and picture books every now and then which is why i'm hesitant. i was wondering if you use an e-reader, what do you use? what do you like about it? are you considering getting another? if you don't have one, are you considering getting one too? which one are you leaning towards?

i tag all of my LJ friends! remember to tag me so that i get a notification and see it 😊

1) Do you have a certain place at home where you read?
before i got my dog korra, i could read anywhere. but nowadays, i have to be more choosey about where i read because she'll try to play with whatever's in my hand if i'm sitting on the couch or reclining on the bed. i'm usually reading at the dinner table, in my high chair, on the toilet, or on my phone in bed before i sleep nowadays. i really gotta invest in an e-reader. my eyes are straining really badly from reading on my phone.

2) Bookmark or random piece of paper?
i always pick a bookmark or 1 of the hundreds of artist business cards i have before reading, but on the off chance that i don't and a bookmark isn't within reach, i'll use anything LOL i've used a wrapped up frozen breakfast sandwich once (to quickly run to my room and get a bookmark) 😂😂

3) Can you stop reading or do you have to stop reading after a certain amount of pages/chapters?
ya, i have to at least finish the paragraph i'm on and then i have my bookmark facing the page i stopped on. i used to force myself to finish a chapter before i stop, but it made me hate reading because some chapters are really long (not that it's a bad thing!) so i stopped doing that.

4) Do you eat or drink anything while reading?
no. i have really bad anxiety about dropping or spilling something on my book~ like what if the book isn't good? then i can't sell it if it has stains 😭😂

5) Multitasking: do you listen to music or TV while reading?
i can have music or the tv on, but i won't listen to it. i can't multitask like that. if i'm facing the television, it's a lot harder to read so i don't even try.

6) Do you read one book at a time or several at once?
usually i do 1 manga/graphic novel, 1 novel, and 1 audiobook at a time. i never do more than 1 of each type of book because it's too hard for me to remember what detail belongs in what book LOL

7) Read at home or everywhere?
i prefer to read at home. i'm too scared my book will get damaged being anywhere else. plus, most of the time when i'm out, other things demand my attention so it'd be too hard to read.

8) Do you read out loud or silently in your head?
silently in my head, but if i find a part i like, i'll read it aloud to hear how it sounds. some passages are really cool or beautifully written.

9) Do you read ahead or skip pages?
i only do this if i'm not enjoying a book but i'm still curious enough to continue. i read ahead and skip pages when there's slow pacing and flowery prose. like if i think the detail is something i won't remember months from when i read the book, i'll think it's pointless for the detail to even exist and end up hating the book.

10) Breaking the spine or keeping it Like New?
keeping it like new wtf what am i, a monster!? jk kinda not really. i hate breaking spines but it happens, especially with mass marketed paperbacks. those things are weak as hell LOL

11) Do you write in your books?
NO WHAT LOL that'll ruin its resale value 🤣 if i want to remember a passage, i'll mark it on goodreads or annotate it on a sticky and pop it into my book. that's really rare though just because i like keeping my books in pristine condition. i care about the aesthetic of my bookshelves 🌸
Tags: me: meme tags quizzes, me: questions, media: books

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