Tom Mhick’s polka

Also known as Jim Ryan’s, Mrs Devlin’s.

There are 6 recordings of this tune.

Tom Mhick’s has been added to 4 tune sets.

Tom Mhick’s has been added to 18 tunebooks.

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Four settings

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Eleven comments


Learnt on the album A Flying Start by Paul Moran and Fergal Scahill. In the sleeve, Paul attributes it to the playing of Johnny O’Leary.

I wish I knew more about Tom Mhick. There’s quite a few tunes, some with other names, that are attributed to him, including as someone folks have picked up several of the polkas on site from…

“Tom Mhick’s” - another enjoyable polka

X: 2
T: Tom Mhick’s
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
R: polka
K: Gmaj
|: D |\
G>A Bd | ed B2 | dc Ad | ed BA |
G>A B/c/d | ed BA/B/ | dc AB | AG G :|
|: d |\
g>f ed | ed BA/B/ | dc A/B/c/d/ | ed B/c/d |
gg/f/ ed | ed B2 | dc AD | G2 G :|

Re: Tom Mhick’s

Surely this is a setting of “Can’t You Dance the Polka” or “New York Girls” - ?

Re: Tom Mhick’s

You pose that as question, Nigel. I don’t think there’s any doubt about it. See:, which gives 1860 as the date when NYG (CYDTP) was collected. Anyone know anything about Tom Mhick and his dates? Maybe another case where a tune was picked up from a player and attracted the attribution simply by association.

X:4 - Jim Ryan’s Polka

Transcription with variants based on the whistle playing and notations of John O’Brien/O’Briain, brother of fellow musicians, uileann pipes & whistles, Denis/Donncha and Mick/Michael…