Thank you for sponsoring bursary places for young musicians at the Belfast Summer School of Traditional Music
Remember back in April I said that any donations made to The Session that month would be put toward sponsoring places for young musicians to attend workshops at Belfast Trad Fest who otherwise wouldn’t be able to:
Well, you really came through! You contributed an absolutely *fantastic* £3000!
Belfast Trad Fest happened the week before last, and I was there. It was an absolutely wonderful event. There were over 600 students in the workshops. Of those, around 60 were there thanks to bursary sponsorships. A chunk of those were thanks to you.
It was fantastic to see so many young people spending the work learning from the absolute best!
Here’s a photo of me trying not to look awkward with some of the students:
The whole event was really, really well organised, and the organisers were very grateful for the support from —so thank you from them as well!
The other activities were great too: sessions, concerts, and more. I highly recommend making Belfast Trad Fest part of your Summer schedule if you can. I had a great time.
Anyway, I wanted to say thank you very much to everyone who contributed during the April fundraiser and to ask:
1. Should we do it again next year? and
2. Are there any similar sponsorship schemes that you know of to help young people get a start in the music?