Advanced stepping and custom debugging actions in the new Pharo debugger

In this article, we describe the new advanced stepping menu available in the debugger. These advanced steps provide convenient and automated debugging actions to help you debug your programs. We will see how to build and add new advanced steps, and how to extend the debugger toolbar with your own customized debugging menus. Advanced stepsContinue reading “Advanced stepping and custom debugging actions in the new Pharo debugger”

Installing Pharo in Linux using the System Package Manager

One of the improvements that we are including in Pharo 9 is the update of the build process in OpenBuildService. This service allows us to produce packages for different distributions of Linux. These pacakges are built using the versions loaded in the distribution and they can be installed and updated using the tools present inContinue reading “Installing Pharo in Linux using the System Package Manager”

A Taste of Ephemerons

For a couple of years now, Pharo includes support for Ephemerons, originally introduced with the Spur memory manager written by Eliot Miranda. For the upcoming Pharo 9.0 release, we have stressed the implementation (with several hundred thousands Ephemerons), make it compatible with latest changes done in the old space compaction algorithm, and made it aContinue reading “A Taste of Ephemerons”

Debugger Extensions in Pharo 9.0

Did you ever want to get the value of an expression each time you navigate the debugger stack? This is what we will show in this tutorial: you’ll learn how to implement a new extension for the StDebugger in Pharo9.0: the ‘Expression Evaluator StDebugger Extension’ (or simply EvaluatorDebugger for short) – that allows the evaluationContinue reading “Debugger Extensions in Pharo 9.0”