[Pharo features] Advanced run-time reflection

In this series of blog-posts, we are explaining in more detail the Pharo features described in https://pharo.org/features. The source code describes programs statically, but this perspective is insufficient if you want to fully understand the behavior of the computer system. The source code can, for example, describe a complex graph of data objects, although its concreteContinue reading “[Pharo features] Advanced run-time reflection”

Ed: your new Emergency Debugger

“What is the nature of your debugging emergency?” —Ed. In this post, we’ll speak about debugging emergencies due to system error handling failures. We’ll cover the current tools available to revert code changes provoking such failures and introduce Ed, the new emergency debugger with improved revert capabilities. What is a debugging emergency? Sometimes when youContinue reading “Ed: your new Emergency Debugger”