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Stash Logo in White

Ten Toes

Getting Started

To start making edits to your theme you’ll need to go on to your blog page and click Edit Theme at the top right.


We’ve kept the colour options for the theme minimal. The few options let you take control of the look and feel of your blog. These can be located on the customization screen at the top.

If you was to change the main Background to white. You would want to change Text and Accent to a colour like black. Same goes with Header BackgroundHeader Text and Logo.


There are two options with adding fonts, Google fonts and Typekit. You can view a list of popular fonts to use under the Fonts dropdown in the customize screen.

You can choose from these fonts or if you scroll down and find the boxes: Body Font, Logo Font and Banner Font. In here you can set individual fonts for the body, logo and banner.

Google Fonts

In this example we will use Open Sans.

  1. Copy the font name. 
  2. Paste this into the Body Font box. This will change the font for the whole website. Excluding the Logo and banner.
  3. To use the font in the Logo/Banner you will also need to paste it in the respective boxes.

Font Size and Weights

To change font size you will need to change the boxes: Font Size, Logo Size and Banner Text Size.

For font weights there are three dropdowns to adjust.

You can choose to use a text logo or upload your own logo.

Image Logo

To upload your own logo find the Logo image box at the top of the customize screen and upload an image. The maximum height is 60px so all images will be resized to fit.

Text Logo

You can change the font to be used as the logo (check the Fonts section). You can also customize the colour and whether you want the logo text to be all in capitals or not by finding the Logo Text dropdown menu.


The header is on by default. It contains; Logo, navigation and on the right social icons. Here’s how to configure all three sections.

By default the Logo is your blog title.


Text Logo

You can customize the text logo by changing the size (Logo Size) and by adjusting the colour/font weight and case. For example if you wanted the logo to be all capitals you would adjust this option.

You can also change the font for just the logo by putting the name of the font in the Logo Font box. Google Fonts supported.

Logo Image

You can upload an image for the Logo by uploading a Logo.


How to add a page to Tumblr.

Tumblr’s Archive, Random and RSS links are turned off by default on our themes. Find the switches to turn them on.

Custom Links

To add custom links find the Custom link boxes and put the name of the page and a link to the page. e.g.

To link to your social media paste your profile link in the relevant URL box. After you do this the icons will show up automatically.


The first thing you will need to do is turn on the banner because it’s switched off by default.

Banner Image

After the banner’s switched on you need to upload an image. Find the Banner Background box and upload your banner image. Recommended size: 1400×800.

If you are adding banner text/video I recommend also switching on Banner Overlay which adds a slight dark background on top of the image so that text stands out more.


Banner Video

To add a video you will need to upload it to Youtube then find the video ID.

Once you have the Video ID paste it in to the Banner Youtube Video ID box.

Banner Text and button

Next you can add some text or a button. Just find the Banner Text box and the Banner Button boxes.


On mobile you can hide the banner by switching on the Mobile Hide Banner option.

You can also add a Mobile Banner Background which is an image that will show on mobile instead of the main banner image.



You can customize how posts look by changing the Show settings. It’s self explanatory.


Photo Posts

By default photo posts have no caption but once opened the caption shows. To show the caption on the homepage turn on the option Show Post Caption.


You can customize how many columns of posts you want. To do this find the Posts Columns dropdown and change the number, it’s that simple.


Google Analytics

On Google Analytics create a new property for your Tumblr blog address and paste that tracking ID in to the Google Analytics ID field in your blog’s Customization settings.

Bigger Posts

To display posts double the size add the tag x2.


If your website is in a language other than English you will need to find the Translate section in the Customize screen and translate the text that you see there.

Stash Credit

To remove Stash credit from your website you will need a Full License. Instructions are provided once you’ve obtained the license.

  [Voted: 37]
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