All of Trump’s talk of merging with Canada, acquiring Greenland and the Panama Canal, and renaming the Gulf of Mexico, is American Empire building – and part of the NAU (North American Union) plot, a ...
Donald Trump’s Jewish connection stretches way back starting at least with his father Fred Trump. Trump lawyers were bullies Jews and political fixers: Michael Cohen and Roy Cohn who was connected to Mafia boss ...
A significant point in the recent 2024 US Presidential (S)election is that more eligible people choose not to vote than voted for either Trump or Harris. Can this disinterest be turned into taking the ...
To understand the NWO conspiracy, you need to understand the basics of human psychology. See how Trump has been painted as an anti-establishment savior of the common American, fulfilling the role of rescuer in the ...
To understand the NWO conspiracy, you need to understand the basics of human psychology. See how Trump has been painted as an anti-establishment savior of the common American, fulfilling the role of rescuer in the ...
Project Esther is the plot to use RICO, counterterrorism, hate speech, immigration and foreign agents laws to silence criticism of Israel. Will the Zionist Heritage Foundation convince Trump to carry it out? Shownotes: ...
Public domain lawsuits since at least 2016 show horrific and detailed allegations that Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein raped many girls together. See the evidence for yourself. Shownotes: ...
The once-every-4-years American Selection Circus or Puppet Show is almost over, and as I predicted in July when I made a couple of videos about the fake Trump Assassination Attempt (the 1st one), it’s looking ...
The evidence in so far appears to show the attempted Trump assassination was a staged event. It’s a hoax. Take a close look and make up your own mind. Shownotes: ...
Biden’s Iran policy is no different to Trump’s Iran policy. In a new interview with CBS Evening News, US President Biden confirmed that his administration will not be lifting sanctions imposed upon Iran in order ...
Freedom of the press is on trial right now in London, as the Assange case has now gone 3 days. As this massive case begins, Julian Assange has been subjected to yet more intimidation, depravation ...
The Establishment fears you. During the George W Bush administration it was popular in conspiracy circles to speculate that events might be orchestrated which would allow the Bush family to complete a coup against the ...
The USG Mafia hit on Qassem Soleimani is part of a larger murder campaign, according to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. For the former tank commander, murder—not simply double-tapping the target with a firearm, but ...
The Soleimani Assassination was an outright, aggressive and unbridled Act of War committed by the US against Iran on January 3rd, 2020. US President Donald Trump chose to order the murder of the Iranian general, ...
Full-scale war has been avoided – for now – but Trump warmongering continues. The United States and Iran entered into a direct military exchange for the first time ever with the drone assassination of General ...
Trump hawkish on Russia is not a headline you will see published by the MSM, yet it is the truth. CNN has published a fascinatingly manipulative and falsehood-laden article titled “25 times Trump was soft ...
“We Want To Keep The Oil” declared US President Trump recently, referring to the continued highly illegal presence of US troops in Syria since 2011. The Grayzone has an excellent new article out titled “US ...
Is there a connection between Trump and pedophilia? If not, then how else can we explain the fact that Donald Trump’s name turned up in the little black book of Jeffrey Epstein when the story broke ...
The tension against Iran and China has been increasing since Donald Trump became the US President-Elect. It may seem all innocent enough to the casual onlooker – after all, Trump has been speaking out against Iran for ...
War with Iran is on the cards as the administration of US President Donald Trump takes an overly aggressive stance against the Islamic Republic. Without doubt, the 2016 US presidential election left the nation deeply ...
Dark suits run the US and whatever figurehead puppet president that gets installed in the White House. The same goes for many countries, including Russia, the home of President Vladimir Putin himself. However, there is ...
Donald Trump has been at the top of the ratings in the race to become the Republican candidate for US President. It has been fascinating to watch Trump’s incredibly unconventional campaign and how, despite putting his foot in ...
The Trump-Putin Summit was a momentous event. It is said that the only constant thing in the universe is change. This principle definitely applies to the world of geopolitics right now. In the last few ...
In a disgraceful and disturbing blow to freedom of the press, Australian WikiLeaks founder and publisher Julian Assange has been ejected from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. British police arrested him yesterday (Thursday April 11th, ...
Trump has withdrawn the US from the Paris Climate Accord in what can be considered as majorly going off script (from the point of view of the globalists / New World Order conspirators). Of course, ...
Trump’s first 100 days is about to pass on April 29th, 2017. How has the so-called political “outsider” (a very inside kind of outsider) Donald Trump done? Has he delivered on his campaign promises? Has ...