Outlook: She, Ayanna and Emily all together on the same team. If things haven't changed since their Challenge, that's a volatile mix.
The Inferno[]
Retrieved from MTV.com
Hottest Pre-Inferno Moment: Kissing her season-long crush Matt, but that was maybe more creepy than hot. You make the call.
Loose Ends: Her well-documented problems with Melissa (New Orleans) may come back to haunt her now that Coral and Melissa are tight. And if Coral's not in her corner, she better watch her back. An extremely intense competitor, Julie still considers herself a Mormon, but admits to not following all of the rules.
The Inferno II[]
Retrieved from MTV.com
The Good: Julie was recently married and has recommitted herself to the strong moral values of the Mormon religion.
The Bad: She's a kick-ass competitor who will do anything to win. This could be a good thing but it usually means you'll get voted off early.
The Ugly: Proving she is certifiably crazy, Julie wanted to wrestle Coral "like a man" during the last Inferno. And infamously, she tried to pull Veronica out of her safety harness while they were dangling in the air 18 floors high.