The Australien Government has made an ad about our next federal election, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative (biting political satire).
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The Australien Government has made an ad about our next federal election, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative (biting political satire).
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If Trump wins, he will be convinced that he has a mandate for authoritarianism and further irrationalism; trade unions must become organizations of the class, not just cheerleaders of the Democratic Party. Bill Fletcher joins Paul Jay on podcast.
Right-wing quant trader billionaires, Robert and Rebekah Mercer, gave Trump Breitbart, Bannon and Conway and helped make him president. Then they got a sweetheart deal on a 7 billion dollar tax bill. Steve O’Keefe joins Paul Jay on
The so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” will have a positive affect on the climate crisis, but it does not phase out fossil fuel and is far from what’s needed. Big industrial states like New York and California can and must go much further. Bob Pollin on with Paul Jay.
In part two, American theologian and priest Matthew Fox traces out the links between the fascist wing of the Catholic Church, Opus Dei, American Cardinal Burke, and Steve Bannon, former Trump advisor and former Executive Chairman at Breitbart News. He explains how Cardinal Burke and other neofascists in the Catholic Church opposed the Second Vatican Council, which sought to update the Catholic Church. He then explains how both Co-Chairman of the Federalist Society, Leonard Leo, who drew up lists of potential conservative judges to be appointed to the Supreme Court, and President of the Heritage Foundation, Kevin Roberts, share a right-wing Catholic ideology.
Larry Wilkerson and Paul Jay discuss a possible rout of the GOP, and what a desperate Trump might do before the transfer of power. If Biden wins, massive pressure is needed to make him reduce deep income inequality, or a new authoritarian threat will emerge by 2024.
AcTVism Munich has compiled excerpts from previous interviews they conducted with experts on the Julian Assange case in 2021 and 2022.