Avatar Fanon Wiki

Welcome to the Wiki

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Be warned that this wiki is filled with SPOILERS about the Avatar series. Read at your own risk!
Welcome to the Avatar Fanon Wiki, a wiki dedicated to everything fanon about the Avatar Series. Avatar Fanon Wiki is a site that anyone can edit. Please help us by creating or editing any of our articles! We currently have 2,373 edits to 193 articles and 294 images on this wiki.
Careful: This wiki contains SPOILERS, read with caution!


Avatar Fanon Wiki, founded in 2015 by EmperorLeon, is a wiki of fan-invention based in the Avatar universe. Here, we allow users to create their own fan fiction stories, characters, techniques, etc., as well as allowing them to collaborate together in what is known as a roleplay; where fan fiction writers can write stories together, pit characters against each other in fights, and even do comedy skits. Users are also encouraged to get to know each other, make friends, and communicate with each other via the Message Walls provided by Wikia to promote a friendly writing environment, as well as allowing them to collect feedback for their works. Our goal is constant improvement in quality to become the best Avatar fansite on the internet!


To create a new article, simply enter the article title in the box below:

<createbox> width=24 break=no buttonlabel=Create new article </createbox> Trouble getting started?

  • If you are new to wikis, check Help:Getting Started
  • Don't be afraid to just jump in and start it! Others can edit and improve whatever you make.
  • Check out the community portal to see what the community's working on, to give feedback or say hi.
  • Help the wiki by editing article stubs and creating wanted pages.

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User of the Week

The User of The Week goes to the users who makes many, quality edits, and frequents the wiki.

The week's editor is EmperorLeon.