
3D Skyscraper Text Effect in Photoshop CS5 – Part 2

This is Part 2 of this tutorial, and it will explain how to add some elements to the 3D object created in Part 1, like Filters, Brushes, and Adjustment Layers, in order to achieve the final result.

The Final Result

Tutorial Details

  • Software Used : Photoshop
  • Version : CS5 Extended
  • Time : 0:30 – 0:45


Step 1

Open the file you created in Part 1, and create a new layer right below the 3D text layer, and call it Clouds.

Set the Foreground color to #ffffff and the Background color to #86a2f6, then go to Filter > Render > Clouds.

Skyscraper 3D step 1

Go to Filter > Sketch > Water Paper, and set the values as shown below:

Skyscraper 3D step 1

This should add a bit of contrast to the clouds.

Skyscraper 3D step 1

Now go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur, and apply a 3 px blur to get rid of the noise.

Skyscraper 3D step 1

Step 2

Click the Create new fill or adjustment layer icon down the Layers panel, then choose Hue/Saturation.

Skyscraper 3D step 2

Change the Hue value to -11 and the Saturation value to -75.

Skyscraper 3D step 2

Once again click the Create new fill or adjustment layer icon, but this time choose Photo Filter, and use the color #ac7a33 with a Density of 54%.

Skyscraper 3D step 2

Load the Light Beams + Rays Brushes and set the Foreground color to White. Create a new layer right on top of the Clouds layer and call it Rays. Add one or more of the Light Beams brushes to create nice shiny rays behind the text.
* You might need to rotate the brushes, you can do that under the Brush Tip Shape in the Brush panel (Window > Brush).

Skyscraper 3D step 2

Duplicate the Rays layer and change its Blend Mode to Linear Light.

Skyscraper 3D step 2

Step 3

Set the Foreground color to #f4edd3, create a new layer on top of all layers and call it Clouds Reflection. Then use the Reflected Clouds brush to cover the text area.

Skyscraper 3D step 3

Change the layer’s Blend Mode to Overlay.

Skyscraper 3D step 3

Set the Foreground color to #777d00 and the Background color to #425f29, then create a new layer on top of all layers and call it Leaves.

Skyscraper 3D step 3

Use the Leaves brush to add some leaves on the top of the text. Paint short strokes in different directions when using the brush.

Then, use the Scattered Leaves brush to add some nice scattered leaves around the text. Keep it simple and evenly spread.

When you’re done, you might need to change the Hue/ Saturation values (Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation). Here, both values are set to -5.

Skyscraper 3D step 3

Step 4

Set the Foreground color to #e3dcd2 and the Background color #e5e5e5, then create a new layer on top of all layers and call it Bottom Clouds.

Skyscraper 3D step 4

Use the Clouds brush to paint all over the text.

Skyscraper 3D step 4

Once you’re done, click the Add Layer Mask icon at the bottom of the Layers panel to create a mask.

Skyscraper 3D step 4

Click the mask to select it, and make sure that the Foreground and the Background color are set to White and Black. Pick the Gradient Tool and choose the Foreground to Background Radial Gradient.

Skyscraper 3D step 4

Drag the gradient from the bottom of the document to a point near the top.

Skyscraper 3D step 4

Pick the Eraser Tool to erase any additional areas, or switch the Foreground and Background colors to un-erase any areas.

Skyscraper 3D step 4

Create a new layer on top of all layers and call it Bottom Clouds 2. Make sure that the Foreground and Background colors are still as in Step 4, use the Clouds brush to add more clouds at the bottom.

Skyscraper 3D step 4

And that’s it!

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