
CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3 CR Test Suite Results

2.2: Base Color: the background-color property
background-color-animation5 / . / 12 / . / .1 / . / .
background-color-animation-fallback-missing-0-percent5 / 1 / .2 / . / .1 / . / .
background-color-animation-fallback-missing-100-percent4 / 1 / .2 / . / .1 / . / .
background-color-animation-fallback-replace3 / 2 / 12 / . / .1 / . / .
background-color-animation-fragmented3 / 2 / 12 / . / .1 / . / .
background-color-animation-in-body5 / . / .2 / . / .3 / . / .
background-color-animation-single-keyframe3 / 2 / .2 / . / .1 / . / .
background-color-animation-three-keyframes14 / 1 / .2 / . / .1 / . / 1
background-color-animation-three-keyframes25 / . / .2 / . / .. / 1 / .
background-color-animation-three-keyframes35 / . / 12 / . / .1 / . / 1
background-color-animation-with-images2 / 4 / 11 / 3 / .. / 1 / 1
background-color-animation-with-table15 / . / .2 / . / .1 / . / .
background-color-animation-with-table25 / . / .2 / . / .1 / . / .
background-color-animation-with-table34 / 1 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
background-color-animation-with-table45 / . / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
background-color-animation-with-zero-alpha4 / 1 / .1 / . / 11 / . / .
background-color-animation-with-zero-playbackrate4 / 1 / 11 / . / .1 / . / .
background-color-clip5 / . / 21 / . / .2 / . / .1 / . / .
background-color-interpolation3 / 2 / 12 / . / .1 / . / .
background-color-transition5 / . / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
background-color-transition-obscured5 / . / .1 / . / .. / 1 / .
background-color-transition-with-delay4 / 1 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
background-color-transition-with-initially-transparent5 / . / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
background-color-transparent-animation-in-body5 / . / .1 / 1 / .1 / . / .
bg-color-with-gradient4 / 1 / .1 / . / .
inline-background-rtl-0013 / 1 / .1 / . / .
simple-bg-color3 / 1 / .1 / . / .
two-background-color-animation-diff-length14 / . / 11 / . / .
two-background-color-animation-diff-length22 / 2 / .1 / 1 / 2
two-background-color-animation-diff-length32 / 2 / .1 / 4 / .. / 2 / .
2.3: Image Sources: the background-image property
background-image-blur-repaint9 / . / .1 / . / .5 / 1 / .1 / . / .1 / 1 / .
background-image-interpolation3 / 2 / 41 / 2 / 1. / . / 11 / . / .
background-image-large-with-auto4 / 1 / 12 / . / .1 / . / .
background-image-table-cells-zoomed5 / . / .2 / . / .1 / . / .
background-size-near-zero-gradient3 / 2 / .1 / 2 / .
background-size-near-zero-png3 / 2 / .1 / . / .
background-size-near-zero-svg1 / 7 / 21 / 9 / 21 / . / .
2.4: Tiling Images: the background-repeat property
gradient-repeat-spaced-with-borders4 / . / .1 / . / .2 / . / .1 / . / .
2.5: Affixing Images: the background-attachment property
background-attachment-margin-root-00111 / 5 / 34 / 1 / .2 / 2 / 1
background-attachment-margin-root-0023 / 2 / 23 / . / .1 / 1 / .
table-cell-background-local6 / . / .. / 17 / .1 / . / .
2.6: Positioning Images: the background-position property
background-image-centered4 / 1 / 22 / . / .1 / . / .
background-image-centered-with-border-radius2 / 3 / .2 / . / .1 / . / .
background-position-interpolation2 / 4 / 61 / 1 / .. / 1 / .
background-position-negative-percentage-comparison3 / 2 / .1 / 2 / .
background-position-origin-interpolation5 / . / .1 / . / 1
background-position-subpixel-at-border.tentative5 / . / 12 / . / 1
background-position-x-interpolation4 / 1 / .1 / 1 / .. / 1 / .
background-position-y-interpolation4 / 1 / .2 / . / .. / 1 / .
subpixel-position-center.tentative4 / . / 11 / . / .
transition-background-position-with-edge-offset4 / . / 11 / . / .
transition-property-0064 / . / 11 / . / .
2.7: Painting Area: the background-clip property
background-clip-0015 / 1 / 12 / . / .2 / . / .
background-clip-content-box-0016 / . / .2 / . / .1 / 1 / .
2.8: Positioning Area: the background-origin property
background-gradient-subpixel-fills-area4 / 1 / .2 / . / .1 / . / .
gradient-border-box5 / . / .1 / . / .
gradient-content-box5 / . / .1 / . / .
2.9: Sizing Images: the background-size property
background-image-cover-zoomed-15 / . / .2 / . / .1 / . / .
background-size-cover-svg4 / 1 / 22 / . / .
background-size-interpolation2 / 5 / 71 / 3 / 1. / 3 / .
background-size-near-zero-color5 / . / .1 / . / .
background-size-near-zero-gradient3 / 2 / .1 / 2 / .
background-size-near-zero-png3 / 2 / .1 / . / .
background-size-near-zero-svg1 / 7 / 21 / 9 / 21 / . / .
tiled-conic-gradients3 / 1 / 11 / . / .
tiled-gradients4 / . / 21 / . / .
tiled-radial-gradients4 / . / .1 / . / .
2.11.1: The Canvas Background and the Root Element
background-attachment-margin-root-00111 / 5 / 34 / 1 / .2 / 2 / 1
background-attachment-margin-root-0023 / 2 / 23 / . / .1 / 1 / .
background-margin-iframe-root4 / 1 / .1 / . / .. / 2 / .
background-margin-root4 / 1 / 11 / . / .. / 1 / .
background-margin-transformed-root3 / 2 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
background-margin-will-change-root2 / 3 / .1 / . / .
3.1: Line Colors: the border-color properties
border-color-interpolation2 / 3 / 131 / 9 / 4. / 3 / .
transition-property-0073 / 1 / 21 / . / .
transition-property-0093 / 1 / 11 / . / .
transition-property-0114 / . / .1 / . / .
transition-property-0135 / . / .1 / . / .
3.3: Line Thickness: the border-width properties
border-top-width-composition2 / 2 / 41 / . / .
border-width-interpolation3 / 1 / .. / 15 / 11 / 1 / .
borders-on-sub-unit-sized-elements4 / . / 11 / . / .
subpixel-borders-with-child3 / 1 / .1 / . / .
subpixel-borders-with-child-border-box-sizing2 / 2 / 11 / . / .
transition-property-0083 / 1 / .1 / . / .
transition-property-0104 / . / .1 / . / .
transition-property-0124 / . / .1 / . / .
transition-property-0144 / . / 21 / . / .
3.4: Border Shorthand Properties
border-shorthand-serialization12 / 5 / .. / 3 / .6 / 1 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .1 / 3 / .
4.1: Curve Radii: the border-radius properties
border-bottom-left-radius-composition4 / 1 / 11 / 2 / .1 / . / .
border-bottom-right-radius-composition3 / 2 / 21 / 2 / .
border-radius-0122 / 2 / .1 / 1 / .
border-radius-interpolation4 / . / 61 / 18 / .1 / 2 / 1
border-top-left-radius-composition4 / . / 11 / 2 / .
border-top-left-radius-values-0013 / 1 / .1 / . / .
border-top-left-radius-values-0024 / . / .1 / . / .
border-top-left-radius-values-0034 / . / .1 / . / .
border-top-right-radius-composition2 / 4 / 11 / 2 / .
getcomputedstyle-border-radius-0012 / 2 / .1 / 12 / .1 / . / .
getcomputedstyle-border-radius-0032 / 2 / .1 / 13 / .1 / . / .
4.3: Corner Clipping
background-rounded-image-clip3 / 2 / 1. / 1 / .2 / . / .
border-radius-clip-0022 / 2 / .1 / . / .
clip-rounded-corner2 / 2 / .1 / . / .1 / . / .
5.1: Image Source: the border-image-source property
border-image-source-interpolation1 / 16 / 21 / . / .1 / 2 / .
5.2: Image Slicing: the border-image-slice property
border-image-slice-composition1 / 3 / 21 / 3 / .
border-image-slice-interpolation1 / 5 / 71 / . / .. / 1 / .
border-image-slice-interpolation-stability1 / 3 / .1 / . / .
5.3: Drawing Areas: the border-image-width property
border-image-width-0082 / 2 / 11 / . / .1 / . / .
border-image-width-composition2 / 2 / 11 / 2 / .
border-image-width-interpolation2 / 2 / 51 / . / .. / 1 / .
5.4: Edge Overhang: the border-image-outset property
border-image-outset-0034 / 1 / 3. / 1 / .1 / . / .
border-image-outset-composition4 / . / 11 / 2 / .
border-image-outset-interpolation3 / 1 / 81 / . / .. / 1 / .
5.5: Image Tiling: the border-image-repeat property
border-image-repeat-0053 / 1 / 11 / . / .1 / . / .
5.7: Border Image Shorthand: the border-image property
border-image-shorthand-0024 / . / .1 / . / .
border-image-shorthand-0033 / 1 / 11 / . / .
6.1: Drop Shadows: the box-shadow property
box-shadow-0013 / 1 / .1 / . / .
box-shadow-0294 / . / .1 / . / .
box-shadow-0394 / . / .1 / . / .
box-shadow-0404 / . / 11 / . / .
box-shadow-0413 / 1 / .1 / . / .
box-shadow-0424 / . / .1 / . / .
box-shadow-body3 / 1 / .1 / . / .
box-shadow-composition1 / 4 / 21 / 14 / .. / 1 / .
box-shadow-currentcolor46 / 9 / 3. / 1 / .25 / 2 / 21 / . / .6 / 3 / .
box-shadow-interpolation3 / 1 / 21 / . / .. / 1 / .
6.1.1: Shadow Shape, Spread, and Knockout
box-shadow-radius-0004 / . / .1 / 9 / .. / 3 / .
box-shadow-radius-0014 / . / .. / 15 / 11 / 2 / .
6.1.3: Layering, Layout, and Other Details
box-shadow-overlapping-0013 / 1 / .1 / 1 / .
box-shadow-overlapping-0024 / . / .1 / . / .
box-shadow-overlapping-0032 / 2 / .1 / 1 / .
box-shadow-overlapping-0043 / 1 / 11 / . / 1
box-shadow-table-border-collapse-0014 / . / 11 / . / .
Property Index
inheritance.sub1 / 15 / .1 / . / .. / 2 / .

128 of 128 required tests meet CR exit criteria.

CR exit criteria have been met.


Row color codes
two or more passes
* combo test passed by component tests
blocking failures
not enough results
reported as invalid
not passing, but optional
Result color codes
all results pass
pass reported, but also other results
all results fail
fail reported, but also other results
all results uncertain
reported as invalid
# pass / # fail / # uncertain