If you can give your son or daughter only one gift, let it be enthusiasm. (Bruce Barton)
Education is a complex, multifaceted, and painstaking process, and being gifted does not make this less so. I would caution against any single “silver bullet” to educating a gifted child, whether it be a special school, private tutoring, home schooling, grade acceleration, or anything else; these are all options with advantages and disadvantages, and need to be weighed against the various requirements and preferences (both academic and non-academic) of the child, the parents, and the school. Since this varies so much from child to child, I cannot give any specific advice on a given child’s situation. [In particular, due to many existing time commitments and high volume of requests, I am unable to personally respond to any queries regarding gifted education.]
I can give a few general pieces of advice, though. Firstly, one should not focus overly much on a specific artificial benchmark, such as obtaining degree X from prestigious institution Y in only Z years, or on scoring A on test B at age C. In the long term, these feats will not be the most important or decisive moments in the child’s career; also, any short-term advantage one might gain in working excessively towards such benchmarks may be outweighed by the time and energy that such a goal takes away from other aspects of a child’s social, emotional, academic, physical, or intellectual development. Of course, one should still work hard, and participate in competitions if one wishes; but competitions and academic achievements should not be viewed as ends in themselves, but rather a way to develop one’s talents, experience, knowledge, and enjoyment of the subject.
Secondly, I feel that it is important to enjoy one’s work; this is what sustains and drives a person throughout the duration of his or her career, and holds burnout at bay. It would be a tragedy if a well-meaning parent, by pushing too hard (or too little) for the development of their child’s gifts in a subject, ended up accidentally extinguishing the child’s love for that subject. The pace of the child’s education should be driven more by the eagerness of the child than the eagerness of the parent.
Thirdly, one should praise one’s children for their efforts and achievements (which they can control), and not for their innate talents (which they cannot). This article by Po Bronson describes this point excellently. See also the Scientific American article “The secret to raising smart kids” for a similar viewpoint.
Finally, one should be flexible in one’s goals. A child may be initially gifted in field X, but decides that field Y is more enjoyable or is a better fit. This may be a better choice, even if Y is “less prestigious” than X; sometimes it is better to work in a less well known field that one feels competent and comfortable in, than in a “hot” but competitive field that one feels unsuitable for. (See also Ricardo’s law of comparative advantage.)
My own education is discussed in the following articles. While I am very happy with the way things turned out for me, I would again caution that each child’s situation, strengths, and weaknesses are different, and that my experience might not necessarily be the ideal template to follow for others.
- “Terence Tao”, Ken Clements, Educational Studies in Mathematics, August 1984, Vol. 15, No. 3, 213-238
- “Parental involvement in Gifted Education”, Billy Tao, Educational Studies in Mathematics, August 1986, Vol. 17, No. 3, 313-321
- “Radical Acceleration in Australia: Terence Tao”, Miraca Gross, G/C/T, July/August 1986
- “Insights from SMPY’s greatest former child prodigies: Drs. Terence (“Terry”) Tao and Lenhard (“Lenny”) Ng reflect on their talent development”, Michelle Muratori, Julian Stanley, Lenhard Ng, Jack Ng, Miraca Gross, Terence Tao, Billy Tao, Gifted Child Quarterly, Fall 2006, Vol. 50, No. 4, 307-324
For professional advice on gifted education, I can recommend the Center for Talented Youth. See also my page on career advice.
Comments feed for this article
11 February, 2022 at 5:24 pm
Here is a free version of “Radical Acceleration in Australia” https://web.archive.org/web/20160623093245/http://www.davidsongifted.org/Search-Database/entry/A10116
6 July, 2023 at 10:51 am
Mame ahmed
I’m from Africa Ethiopian student that has dream to be best physicists, mathematician, cosmologist and other natural science I interested in knowledge I don’t want to have constant job because of I would like to explore nature and contribute
New things to the world but in Africa education is limited also people believe that you are learning for only getting job I hate this idea for me education is live I some time assume that it’s my heart even if hadn’t any material that I can do math and physics I will use my blood like pen I will write and calculate by my blood if it’s needed I know my talent is in physics and I love it because of you Terry I also love math
I hope we’ll meet someday
Thanks for your time
17 November, 2023 at 10:48 pm
Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.- Albert Einstein. I just learned wanted from your direct explanation. But yes, I had a hard time learning what you said but it was quite crucial to decrease my lust for education through smart work and lust for too high levels.
17 November, 2023 at 10:56 pm
Mushfique Aumy