A year ago, I posted Like Slime, for Vim. There was a lot of interest in sticking with Vim but having a way to get something similar to Slime.
I tried to explain what the plugin was all about … but I always felt it would be better served by a screencast. Here’s what I came up with:
In short:
- you can control GNU screen from the command-line
- vim can, therefore, control GNU screen
- you type in vim, type C-c C-c, and it appears in your screen session
- just run clojure (bash, ruby, scala, …) in screen
Read the original post for more details. To save you time, here’s the Vim plugin: slime.vim.
very interesting. I also watched your How I Work: Rails with Vim screencast.
you mind sending me your vim definition for your rails shortcut and also the SQL one?
All my “secrets” can be found in my etc_config project on github: http://github.com/jpalardy/etc_config/tree/master
Check $ROOT/vim/plugin/snippet.vim for the snippet “framework” (haha, it’s 22 lines of code) and $ROOT/vim/after/plugin/snippets.vim for actual snippet definitions.
[…] Screencast: Like Slime, for Vim Weitere themenbezogene Artikel:CheatsheetsammlungDestillat KW44-2009Destillat KW38-2009Destillat KW49-2009Destillat KW34-2009VN:F [1.7.7_1013]please wait…Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes cast) verlinkt mich / drucken: […]
[…] Screencast: Like Slime, for Vim « Jonathan’s Techno-tales – Screencast of vim interacting with GNU screen to emulate parts of SLIME (Superior Lisp Interaction Mode). Basically – you can get vim to do all kinds of IDE-ish things. […]
Hi, thank you so much, You save my life! I am Vim newbie and I finf out your vim-slime plugin but i don’t get it thinks about GNU screen. But this screencast explain me everythink and happy programing in racket waiting for me :)