A database for my pens and ink
I have too many pens. And I have too many inks. I couldn't keep track of which ink I tried in which pen and if I liked it. Sure, I made notes in my analogue ink-journal but that didn't work quite as well as I'd like.
And suddenly I remembered I had purchased a copy of Tap Forms (a long long time ago for a project that never happened) and I decided to go for it.
It took some time but I've come up with a system I like a lot. It consists of 9 forms that link to eachother (a lot).
I needed forms for at least the pens and inks, and figured, why not
paper as well. I have separated that into specific paper and
notebooks/pads. The notebooks/pads links to the paper type.
I constructed the forms as follows:
- Name
- Website
- Contact (links to Contacts.app)
- Location
- Phone
- Note
- Link to Ink form (One To Many, Show Inverse Relationship)
- Link to Pens form (One To Many, Show Inverse Relationship)
- Link to Pads/Notebooks form (One To Many, Show Inverse Relationship)
- Link to Paper Type form (One To Many, Show Inverse Relationship)
- Name
- Link from Brand form
- Special, pick list (special properties, such as waterproof, prone to feathering, fluorescent, irongall)
- Fav, rating with 1 star (to show favourite)
- Bottle, pick list (type: glass, plastic, sample)
- ml, number
- Colourgroup, pick list (red, green, yellow, etc. Especially fun combined with the 'Record Color Field')
- Photo (jar, or swab, or both)
- Date (purchased)
- Website (manufacturer or purchased from or anything else)
- Link from Retailers form
- price, number (currency)
- flow, rating (5 star)
- Link to Inked log form (One To Many, Show Inverse Relationship)
- Note
Inked log
(which pen has what ink and when did I ink it up etc)
- Combination name (shows up in the link to form sections, looks better with a 'nickname')
- Date
- Link from Ink form
- Rating (5 star)
- Properties, pick list (drywriting, wet, etc)
- Link from Pen form
- Nibsize (for interchangeable nibs, and looks better in the linked forms sections)
- Link to form Write log (One To Many, Show Inverse Relationship)
- Link to form Letter log (Many To Many, Show Inverse Relationship)
- Photo (writing sample)
- Note
Letter log
(to keep track of what letters I've written with what pen, ink, paper)
- Date
- Contact (links to Contacts.app)
- Note
- Link from Inked log form
- Link from Pads & Notebooks form
Pads & Notebooks
- Name
- Link from Brand form
- Size, pick list (A5, A6, etc)
- Type, pick list (lined, graph, blank, etc)
- Sheets, number
- Link from Paper type
- Photo
- Link from Retailers form
- Number, price
- Link to Write log form (Many To Many, Show Inverse Relationship)
- Link to Letter log form (Letter To Many, Show Inverse Relationship)
- Note
Paper type
- Name
- Link from Brand form
- gsm, number
- Properties, pick list (smooth, rough, ultrathin, etc)
- Smoothness, rating (5 star)
- Link to Pads & Notebooks form (Many To Many, Show Inverse Relationship)
- Note
- Name
- Link from Brand form
- Nibsize, pick list (EF, M, BB, flex, interchangeable, etc)
- Nib material, pick list (gold, platinum, steel, etc)
- Fill system, pick list (c/c, piston, eyedropper, etc)
- Photo
- Colour, pick list (red, green, yellow, etc)
- Trim, pick list (silver, gold, bronze, etc)
- Material, pick list (resin, metal, etc)
- Cap type, pick list (snap cap, screw cap, etc)
- Note
- Link to Inked log form (Many To Many, Show Inverse Relationship)
- Purchase date
- Price
- Link from Retailers form
- optional: website, note
- Sold checkbox
- Sell date
- Selling price
- Name
- Website
- Contact (links to Contacts.app)
- Location
- Phone
- Note
- Link to Ink form (Many To Many, Show Inverse Relationship)
- Link to Pens form (Many To Many, Show Inverse Relationship)
- Link to Pads & Notebooks form (Many To Many, Show Inverse Relationship)
Write log
- Date
- Rating, 5 star
- Paper, pick list (looks better in linked form, optional)
- Poperties, pick list (slowdrying, shading, etc)
- Link from Inked log form
- Link from Pads & Notebooks form
- Photo, writing sample
- Note
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