University of Tampa Orange Glow

Strengthening Resident Services

Man at computer

A first step on the journey of ‘Strengthening Resident Services’ focused on one of the City’s key public-facing service functions: Development Services. 

Within 60 days of taking office, Mayor Castor convened an advisory group to focus on how to improve the customer experience in this area.  The 'Development Services' recommendations and progress are a cornerstone to the Citywide Customer Experience Initiative and the Strategic Goal to 'Strengthen Resident Services'.  

Find out more about the ‘Development Services Advisory Report’ here.

Strengthening Resident Services
To facilitate growth and ensure Tampa continues to evolve as a competitive city, Tampa needs
a solid foundation built on strong quality basic services that are connected to the community it
serves. Our budget achieves this goal by:

  • Hiring a Community Experience Director that will help the community navigate available services and experiences;
  • Investing in software that will track and monitor the level of service provided to residents and creation of an online platform to streamline access to services; and
  • Assignment of a Neighborhood Coordinator to facilitate communication with the community.

Updated: 10/01/2023