moë 1st ワンマンライブ "OCCULT"
Open 19:00
Start. 19:30
前売り(特典付き) 4000円
当日 4500円
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“No Disk”や”Moon Child”などをはじめとする、ノスタルジーと新しさが混在するここでしか聞けないネオ・ロマンティック・シティポップは、国内外で人気を博している。
また一方で、”Muse”や”Error404:Ghost Of Venus”など中毒性のあるダンスチューンに垣間見る、既存のジャンルに捉われない独自の世界観も魅力の一つである。
Moe Wakabayashi, known as moë, is a Japanese-born indie artist, singer-songwriter, arranger, and movie director.
She handles everything from songwriting, composition, arrangement, video direction, and editing all by herself.
Neo-romantic city pop, such as "No Disk" and "Moon Child," which mixes nostalgia and newness and can only be heard here, is gaining popularity both domestically and internationally.
On the other hand, her unique world that is not bound by existing genres, as seen in addictive dance tunes such as "Muse" and ”Error404:Ghost Of Venus” is also fascination.