S.W.I.N.E. Wiki

There are 14 but custom maps are also supported. All official maps support 8 players but the intended number of players is in their name. The only game mode that seems to be available is Death Match. "Capture The Flag" feature doesn't seem to be available in any shape or form despite every map having a spawn point for a CTF flag.

(2) ice-floe[]

(2)-ice-floe (2)-ice-floeBM
Small open icy map with no obstructions and only 1 Domination point roughly at the center of the map. Capture the flag point is next to it. Player spawn points are tightly packed rectangles that take up pretty much all the map so each other so with 8 players armies are in firing distance of each other from the start.
Spawn Points:
P1 - bottom left corner, P2 - top right corner,
P3 - bottom right corner, P4 - top left corner,
P5 - right middle (extends to the domination point), P6 - left middle (extends to the Capture The Flag point),
P7 - bottom middle, P8 - top middle (extends to both the domination and CTF points)

(4) beach[]

(4)-beach (4)-beachBM

(4) cross[]

(4)-cross (4)-crossBM

(4) jungle[]

(4)-jungle (4)-jungleBM

(4) red rocks[]

(4)-red-rocks (4)-red-rocksBM

(6) bridges[]

(6)-bridges (6)-bridgesBM

(6) desert[]

(6)-desert (6)-desertBM

(6) dune[]

(6)-dune (6)-duneBM

(6) iceland[]

(6)-iceland (6)-icelandBM

(6) islands[]

(6)-islands (6)-islandsBM

(6) swamp[]

(6)-swamp (6)-swampBM

(8) big river[]

(8)-big-river (8)-big-riverBM
Large map with a lot of cliffs and rough terrain. The central river can be entered/exited by Scouts for a surprise factor. Games on this map can get really drawn out. 9 Domination points roughly spread across the map except for one at the center left. Capture the flag point is under the waterfall.
Spawn Points:
P1 - bottom right corner, P2 - top left corner,
P3 - bottom left corner, P4 - top right corner,
P5 - left middle (green valley below P2), P6 - right middle (next to the river),
P7 - center high ground (at the waterfall), P8 - top middle (the hill under the railroad turn)

(8) dark forest[]

(8)-dark-forest (8)-dark-forestBM

(8) the hill[]

(8)-the-hill (8)-the-hillBM

S.W.I.N.E. Maps
Rabbits: 1) Slop the Hogs, 2) Take it to the Bridge, 3) Hareport, 4) Carrot City, 5) Operation Dessert Storm, 6) Leaving on a Sweat Plain, 7) Dam-olition, 8) Cold Blooded, 9) The Red Legion, 10) Death Pass, 11) Pigsburgh, 12) Return to Castle Ironstein
Pigs: 1) The Great Dictator, 2) Radar Trap at Death Pass, 3) Ores de combat, 4) Rabbit on the Rocks, 5) Rumble in the Jungle, 6) Diesel and Dust, 7) Spring-Break, 8) Pigs Go Home!, 9) The Enola Gay Commando, 10) The Last Battle
(2) ice-floe, (4) beach, (4) cross, (4) jungle, (4) red rocks, (6) bridges, (6) desert, (6) dune, (6) iceland, (6) islands, (6) swamp, (8) big river, (8) dark forest, (8) the hill
Tutorial, Menu BG, Test