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Jean-Luc Fiorina is a contestant from Les Aventuriers de Koh-Lanta and Koh-Lanta: Le Retour des Héros.

On his first season, Jean-Luc was a strong figure due to his military background, but is best-remembered for his blindside after his tribemates became irritated by his work ethic and noticed a signal he gave to Korok at that day's Immunity Challenge. He was the third person voted out of the season despite his perceived challenge strength.


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  • Age: 50 - Marié(e)
  • Profession: Officier de marine à la retraite
  • Ville: Var
  • Passion: La musique lyrique, l'Opéra et la natation
  • Devise: Qui ose gagne
  • Profil: Le héros
  • Il aime: Le bruit de l'eau, les armes à feu, le bel canto, les spaghetti bolognaises, jouer des rôles, des personnages
  • Il n'aime pas: Les chats, les gros mous gnangnan, le rap, les gens qui brutalisent les animaux, le clinquant
À 51 ans, Jean-Luc est un jeune retraité. Sa vie professionnelle ? « l'eau, l'eau, l'eau, tout le temps… » Et pour cause. À 18 ans, il s'est engagé dans les fusiliers marins et il a effectué 31 ans de service dans la Marine. 31 ans sous l'eau, essentiellement. Jean-Luc a passé des diplômes de nageur de combat, de sauveteur. Il est aussi fou de plongée. Une passion qui aurait pu mal se terminer puisqu'il a eu, il y a vingt ans, un grave accident qui a bien failli lui être fatal. Il n'y a pas eu de séquelle physique mais Jean-Luc a commencé à « voir les choses autrement, à prendre du recul sur sa vie. » Ça ne l'a pas empêché de continuer la plongée et de descendre jusqu'à moins 300 mètres… À 40 ans, Jean-Luc est devenu officier. Il a occupé différents postes à responsabilité, notamment deux ans au Gabon et deux ans au Cameroun. À 48 ans, il a eu l'impression d'avoir un peu fait le tour de son métier et il a eu envie de tourner la page et de réintégrer le civil. Il a donc quitté l'Afrique et s'est installé sur la Côte d'Azur. Une nouvelle situation pas si facile que ça à vivre… Jean-Luc refuse de se sentir inutile, mais il a du mal à retrouver un emploi. Trop âgé peut-être pour commencer une carrière dans le civil… trop jeune pour être retraité et renoncer au monde du travail… Alors en attendant que la situation se débloque, Jean-Luc voyage, fait connaître à Anne, sa deuxième épouse depuis seize ans, les pays qu'il a connus dans la Marine. Il profite aussi de son fils de 27 ans, David. Et il attend, philosophe : pour lui, « pas d'inquiétudes, ce qui doit se faire se fera… »[1]

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  • Age: 59 ans
  • Profession: ex-Officier de marine
  • Ville: Var
  • Equipe: Tupan
Cet ex-nageur de combat dispose d'un avantage irréfutable sur Koh-Lanta, la connaissance du monde aquatique. Mais il n'a pas eu l'occasion de la mettre en exergue, car éliminé très tôt de l'aventure par les membres de sa tribu qui le craignaient. Il a révé de sa revanche pendant 8 longues années, il l'a aujourd'hui en revenant sur le Retour des Héros. Saisira-t-il cette chance qui lui est faite?


Les Aventuriers de Koh-Lanta[]

In Les Aventuriers, Jean-Luc was a member of the Lanta-naï tribe. A former Marine, he was initially praised by his tribe for his leadership ability, work ethic, and intolerance for laziness. However, as the game progressed, Jean-Luc's overbearing attitude irked his tribemates and this, along with the fact that he gave a signal to the other tribe during the third Immunity Challenge, led to his elimination that corresponding evening.

Voting History[]

Episode Jean-Luc's
Voted Against
1 Sandra -
2 Lanta-naï Tribe Immune
3 Françoise David, Géraldine,
Gilles, Sandra, Stéphane
Voted Out, Day 10

Le Retour des Héros[]

For the first portion of the opening sudden death challenge, Jean-Luc was paired up with Clémence Castel. Clémence and Jean-Luc were the fourth pair to finish and, therefore, were safe. After the eliminations of Amel Fatnassi and Jean-Bernard Hauton-Arnaud, Clémence and Jean-Luc were assigned to the Jacaré and Tupan tribes, respectively. While at camp, Jean-Luc contributed to the construction of the shelter and gave his tribemates survival-related advice and information based on his knowledge as a former Marine. When the Tupan tribe lost the first Immunity Challenge, which was also the first Reward Challenge, Denis Brogniart informed the Tupan tribe that they would have the opportunity to send two people, who ended up being Jade Handi and Romuald Lafite, to retrieve fire for their tribe from a muddy lake later that night. Also, right after the tribe's defeat, Filomène Mendonca called out Catherine Ehret-Mader as the weakest link of the challenge. Though they thought that Filomène was being too harsh on Catherine, the tribe's men ultimately agreed with her about Catherine back at camp. Conversely, Catherine and Jade believed that Jean-Luc was the weakest link of the challenge and, eventually, Filomène changed her mind and agreed with them. Therefore, it was evident that the tribe's allegiances would be split along gender lines going into Tribal Council, with the men planning on voting against Catherine and the women planning on voting against Jean-Luc. However, not appreciating Filomène's sharp tongue, Jean-Luc and Tony Sanchez voted against her instead of Catherine at Tribal Council. Because Romuald was not aware of this new plan, Jean-Luc was ultimately voted out in a 3-2-1 vote.

Voting History[]

Episode Jean-Luc's
Voted Against
1 Filomène Catherine,
Filomène, Jade
Voted Out, Day 3



  • Jean-Luc is the oldest member of the Lanta-naï tribe and the oldest man to compete on Les Aventuriers.
  • Jean-Luc is the first Koh-Lanta contestant to be voted out of a season of returning players.
  • Jean-Luc is the first of three Koh-Lanta contestants to play in multiple seasons and never reach the merge. He would followed by Sandra Acabado and Sara Tallon.
  • Jean-Luc has lasted the fewest days of any returning player on Koh-Lanta, with 13.


Les Aventuriers de Koh-Lanta Castaways
FRS1 david t
FRS1 francoise t
FRS1 gael t
FRS1 geraldine t
FRS1 gilles t
FRS1 guenaelle t
FRS1 guillaume t
FRS1 harry t
FRS1 jeanluc t
FRS1 marie t
FRS1 michele t
FRS1 patricia t
FRS1 romain t
FRS1 sandra t
FRS1 stephane t
FRS1 william t
Koh-Lanta: Le Retour des Héros Castaways
No tribe
FRS9 amel t
FRS9 catherine t
FRS9 christelle t
FRS9 clemence t
FRS9 emilie t
FRS9 filomene t
FRS9 francoisdavid t
FRS9 jade t
FRS9 jeanbernard t
FRS9 jeanluc t
FRS9 moundir t
FRS9 philippe t
FRS9 romuald t
FRS9 tony t