About enhanced conversions

Note: The global site tag (gtag.js) is now the Google tag. With this change, new and existing gtag.js installations will get new capabilities to help you do more, improve data quality, and adopt new features – all without additional code. Learn more About the Google tag.

Enhanced conversions is a feature that can improve the accuracy of your conversion measurement and unlock more powerful bidding. It supplements your existing conversion tags by sending hashed first party conversion data from your website to Google in a privacy safe way. The feature uses a secure one-way hashing algorithm called SHA256 on your first party customer data, such as email addresses, before sending to Google. You can learn more about Google’s conversion modeling solutions.

You can set up enhanced conversions using the Google tag, Google Tag Manager, or Google Ads API.

Note: Google is committed to protecting the confidentiality and security of your data. We'll keep your data confidential and secure using the same industry-leading standards we use to protect our own users’ data. We only report privacy-safe conversions. You can read more about enhanced conversions customer data policies and how we use your data.

How it works

When a customer completes a conversion on your website, you may receive first-party customer data such as an email address, name, home address, and/or phone number. This data can be captured in your conversion tracking tags, hashed, sent to Google in its hashed form, and then used to enhance your conversion measurement.

Depending on which type of enhanced conversions you use, the hashed data will be used in different ways to improve your measurement:

Enhanced conversions for web Enhanced conversions for leads

Relevant for advertisers who want to track sales and events that happen on a website.

Relevant for advertisers who want to track sales that happen off a website (for example, phone or email) from website leads.

Improves measurement of online conversions.

Improves measurement of offline transactions that came from a website lead or visitor.

Allows you to send hashed first-party, user-provided data from your website when a user converts. The data is then used to match your customers to Google accounts, which were signed-in to when they engaged with one of your ads.

Allows you to use hashed, first-party user-provided data from your website lead forms for offline lead measurement. When you upload your leads, the provided hashed information is used to attribute back to the Google Ad campaign.

Enhanced conversions for web





Enhanced Conversions YouTube Icon Enhanced Conversions Shopping Icon Enhanced Conversions Mail Icon Enhanced Conversions Graph Icon
Google signed-in user views your Youtube ad.

The user converts on your website.

The conversion tag captures a field you determined (eg. email), hashes the data and securely sends to Google. The hashed data is matched against Google hashed user data and a conversion is reported in your account.

With enhanced conversions for web, first-party customer data such as an email address, name, home address, or phone number is captured in your conversion tracking tags, hashed, sent to Google in its hashed form, and then used to match your customers to Google accounts, which were signed-in to when they engaged with one of your ads.


  • Recover conversions that otherwise wouldn’t have been measured
  • Improve bidding optimization through better data
  • Privacy safe with hashing of first-party customer data

Set up enhanced conversions for web

You can set up enhanced conversions for web in 3 ways:

Step 1Google Tag Manager: If you currently use Google Tag Manager for conversion tracking you can set up enhanced conversions for web using Google Tag Manager with only slight changes to your configuration.

Step 2The Google tag: If you currently have conversion tracking implemented using the Google tag directly on your page (not within a third-party tool or iFrame), you can set up enhanced conversions for web using the Google tag by making slight changes to your configuration.

Step 3Google Ads API: If you would like to provide enhanced conversions data via API in order to have more flexibility and control over your data, you can set up enhanced conversions for web in the Google Ads API.

Note: If you want to simplify the way you implement enhanced conversions or need additional support beyond what’s already provided by Google, you can work with a third-party partner. Learn more about the enhanced conversions Partner Program.

Enhanced conversions for leads

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
User clicks on an ad and arrives on your site. User browses your site and reads about your product/service. User fills in a form on your site and becomes a lead for your business. Your website sends Google hashed lead information (e.g.hashed email address) that you specify. You store the lead information in your CRM database. When a lead converts (e.g. becomes a customer), you upload the hashed lead information. Google matches the hashed information back to the ad that drove the lead.

You can upload or import conversion data into Google Ads using first-party customer data from your website lead forms. Unlike the standard version of offline conversion imports, enhanced conversions for leads doesn’t require you to modify your lead forms or customer relations management (CRM) systems to receive a Google Click ID (GCLID). Instead, it uses information that was already captured about your leads, like email addresses, to measure conversions.


  • Easy to set up: Configure measurement entirely from your Google Ads account.
  • Better performance: Optimize your campaigns to sales and transactions that happen off your website.
  • Flexible: Implement using the Google tag or with Google Tag Manager.

If you want to use a GCLID to track conversions when they occur, the existing GCLID-based upload method is still available. Learn more about how to set up offline conversions using GCLID

Set up enhanced conversions for leads

You can set up enhanced conversions for leads in 3 ways:

Step 1Google Tag Manager: If you currently use Google Tag Manager for conversion tracking you can set up enhanced conversions for leads with Google Tag Manager with only slight changes to your configuration.

Step 2The Google tag: If you currently have conversion tracking implemented using the Google tag directly on your page (not within a third-party tool or iFrame), you can set up enhanced conversions for leads with your Google tag by making slight changes to your configuration.

Step 3Google Ads API: If you would like to provide enhanced conversions data via API in order to have more flexibility and control over your data, you can set up enhanced conversions for leads in the Google Ads API.

Download the enhanced conversions assist tool

Follow step by step guidance to validate and troubleshoot your enhanced conversions set up.


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