By submitting this request, I am confirming the following:<\/p>

(1) Accuracy<\/strong>: the information I have provided is true and accurate; (2) TrustArc role<\/strong>: that I understand the service is provided by TrustArc on behalf of JVCKENWOOD USA Corporation and that once TrustArc provides my request to JVCKENWOOD USA Corporation, TrustArc will retain an encrypted record of my request; (3) Privacy<\/strong>: that I understand the information will be handled by TrustArc in accordance with its Privacy Policy<\/a> and by JVCKENWOOD USA Corporation in accordance with its\u0026nbsp;<\/a>Privacy Policy<\/u><\/a>; (4) Contact<\/strong>: that JVCKENWOOD USA Corporation has the right to contact me to verify my identity and to process this request.<\/p>

<\/p>","type":"checkbox"}}}}; const hiddenFields = [ "accountId", "locale", "authType", "authResponse", "formId", "requestId", "suppValidationId", "sourceWebsite", "ipAddress", "gpcEnabled", "captchaAnswer", "captchaInput" ]; hiddenFields.forEach(function(hiddenField) {[hiddenField] = { type : "string", }; jsonData.options.fields[hiddenField] = { type : "hidden" }; }); = "e28934e7-1bbd-42ad-8f18-39bf8fd81087"; = locale; = formId; = requestId; = suppValidationId; = 'no-token'; = authType; = sourceWebsite; = ipAddress; = gpcEnabled; = ''; = ''; = initSubmit; if( jsonData.view.layout && jsonData.view.layout.bindings ) { jsonData.view.layout.bindings.accountId = 'column-1'; jsonData.view.layout.bindings.locale = 'column-1'; jsonData.view.layout.bindings.formId = 'column-1'; jsonData.view.layout.bindings.requestId = 'column-1'; jsonData.view.layout.bindings.suppValidationId = 'column-1'; jsonData.view.layout.bindings.authResponse = 'column-1'; jsonData.view.layout.bindings.authType = 'column-1'; jsonData.view.layout.bindings.sourceWebsite = 'column-1'; jsonData.view.layout.bindings.ipAddress = 'column-1'; jsonData.view.layout.bindings.gpcEnabled = 'column-1'; jsonData.view.layout.bindings.captchaAnswer = 'column-1'; jsonData.view.layout.bindings.captchaInput = 'column-1'; } jsonData.postRender = postRenderer; if(jsonData.view.layout && jsonData.view.layout.template){ jsonData.view.layout.template = appendBuildVersionQueryParam(jsonData.view.layout.template); } if(jsonData.view.fields){ for (var fieldKey in jsonData.view.fields){ var field = jsonData.view.fields[fieldKey]; if(field && field.templates){ for (var templateKey in field.templates){ var template = field.templates[templateKey]; field.templates[templateKey] = appendBuildVersionQueryParam(template); } } } } jsonData.view.locale = locale; jsonData.view.messages[locale] = { "invalidEmail": jsonData.view.messages.invalidEmail } // Buttons doesn't work if (noSubmit) { for (var button in jsonData.options.form.buttons) { jsonData.options.form.buttons[button].click = function() { window.alert("Test Mode"); return; } } } // Date Locales for (var keyId in { var schemaProps =[keyId]; var optionProps = jsonData.options.fields[keyId]; if (schemaProps.format === 'date') { if (!("picker" in optionProps)) { optionProps.picker = {}; } optionProps.picker.locale = locale; } } if(!jsonData.options.header.showCompanyName){ jsonData.schema.title = null; } //Disable autofocus on the first input field jsonData.options.focus = ""; $("#form1").alpaca(jsonData); } function submitMethod(alpaca) { const formData = alpaca.getValue(); if(GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_V3_ENABLED){ grecaptcha.ready(function () { grecaptcha.execute("6LdSn6gUAAAAAKZ5SiEQ8PdCUOgV9sf1ei4utXrB", {action: 'homepage'}).then(function (token) { console.log("Google Token: " + token); formData.authResponse = token; alpaca.form.find("textarea.g-recaptcha-response").prop('disabled', true); if(TRUSTARC_CAPTCHA_ENABLED){ submitTrustArcCaptcha(alpaca, formData); }else{ submit(alpaca, formData); } }); }); }else if(TRUSTARC_CAPTCHA_ENABLED){ submitTrustArcCaptcha(alpaca, formData); }else if (authType === 'TRUSTARC') { formData.authResponse = trustarc.__token; Object.keys(trustarc.__data).forEach(function(key) { let value = trustarc.__data[key]; if (key && value) { if (!(key in formData) && alpaca.isValid(true)) { var input = $('') input.val(value); alpaca.getFormEl().append(input); } formData[key] = value; } }); submit(alpaca, formData); } } function submitTrustArcCaptcha(alpaca, formData){ formData.captchaAnswer = captchaAnswer; formData.captchaInput = captchaInput; submit(alpaca, formData); } function submit(alpaca, formData){ alpaca.setValue(formData); //postmessage submit parentPostMessage(alpaca, { source: "trustarc_irm", message: "submit", data: "" }); disableSubmitButton(); alpaca.submit(); } function parentPostMessage(alpaca, data) { var requestType = nullSafeGet(['00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000001005'], alpaca.getValue()); var ccmEnabled = nullSafeGet(['options', 'fields', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000001005', 'ccmEnabledOptions', requestType, 'enabled'], alpaca.topControl); if (ccmEnabled === true || isGPCEnabled()) { window.parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify(data), '*'); } } var isModalConfirmInit = false; function initModal(alpaca){ if (!isModalConfirmInit) { $("#modal-btn-confirm").on("click", function(){ submitMethod(alpaca); $("#mi-modal").modal('hide'); }); $("#modal-btn-cancel").on("click", function(){ // Enable all upload File Hidden Field again after cancel updateFileUploadState(false); $("#mi-modal").modal('hide'); }); $(".close").on("click", function(){ // Enable all upload File Hidden Field again after cancel updateFileUploadState(false); }); isModalConfirmInit = true; } $("#mi-modal").modal('show'); //TODO: Find better way for late binding var confirmLabel = nullSafeGet(['00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000001005'], alpaca.getValue()); var confirmMessage = nullSafeGet(['options', 'fields', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000001005', 'confirmMessages', confirmLabel, 'message'], alpaca.topControl); var requestTypeLabel = nullSafeGet(['options', 'fields', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000001005', 'confirmMessages', confirmLabel, 'requestTypeLabel'], alpaca.topControl); confirmMessage = confirmMessage.replace('\[\[\$\{requestType\}\]\]', requestTypeLabel); $("#confirmMessage").html(confirmMessage); } function initSubmit(event, alpacaForm) { var alpaca = !alpacaForm ? this : alpacaForm; // Disable all upload File Hidden Field, so it wont be sent on submit updateFileUploadState(true); if (hasConfirm(alpaca)) { initModal(alpaca); } else { submitMethod(alpaca); } } function updateFileUploadState(disabled) { document.querySelectorAll(".uploadFileHiddenField").forEach(function(item) { item.disabled = disabled; }); document.querySelectorAll(".uploadFileField").forEach(function(item) { if (item.parentElement.classList.contains("disabled")) { item.disabled = disabled; } }); } function hasConfirm(alpaca) { var conLabels = nullSafeGet(['options', 'fields', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000001005', 'confirmLabels'], alpaca.topControl); var reqValue = nullSafeGet(['00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000001005'], alpaca.getValue()); if (conLabels && conLabels.includes(reqValue)) { var reqIds = nullSafeGet(['schema', 'properties', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000001005', 'enum'], alpaca.topControl); var reqVals = nullSafeGet(['options', 'fields', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000001005', 'optionLabels'], alpaca.topControl); if (reqIds && reqVals && reqIds.length == reqVals.length) { var reqIndex = reqIds.indexOf(reqValue); if (reqIndex != -1) { $('#requestTypeName').html(reqVals[reqIndex]); return true; } } } return false; } let initForm = true; let isCaptchaCorrect = false; const CAPTCHA_ANSWER_LENGTH = 5; let captchaAnswer; let captchaInput; const hideTrustArcCaptcha = function(){ if(!TRUSTARC_CAPTCHA_ENABLED){ return; } $('#captcha-container').hide(); } const showTrustArcCaptcha = function(){ if(!TRUSTARC_CAPTCHA_ENABLED){ return; } $('#captcha-container').show(); } const refreshTrustArcCaptcha = function(manualRefresh){ if(!TRUSTARC_CAPTCHA_ENABLED){ return; } const captchaInputField = $("#captcha-input"); const captchaRefresh = $('#captcha-refresh'); const captchaRefreshSection = $('#captcha-refresh-section'); captchaRefresh.prop('disabled', true); captchaRefresh.css('cursor', 'not-allowed'); captchaRefreshSection.invisible(); captchaInputField.val(''); captchaInputField.prop('disabled', true); $.getJSON("/services/validation/api/v1/captcha", function(captcha) { captchaAnswer = captcha.answer; $("#captcha-image").attr("src", captcha.image); changeTrustArcCaptchaAudio(; captchaRefresh.prop('disabled', false); captchaRefresh.css('cursor', 'pointer'); captchaInputField.prop('disabled', false); captchaRefreshSection.visible(); if(manualRefresh){ captchaInputField.focus(); } }).fail(function(error) { alert('Failed to load captcha!'); console.log( "[get captcha] error", error); }); } const changeTrustArcCaptchaAudio = function (sourceUrl) { if(!TRUSTARC_CAPTCHA_ENABLED){ return; } const audio = $("#captcha-audio"); $("#captcha-audio-source").attr("src", sourceUrl); audio[0].pause(); audio[0].load(); } function postRenderer(control) { $('.alpaca-required-indicator').html(('')); //WCAG 2 Compliance var count=1; $('#form1 a').each(function(){ var newId = 'tr-a-link-' + count++; var label = $("
here<\/a> to fill out and submit the form or enable third-party cookies in your browser and refresh the page." "essential third-party cookies are blocked. "+ "Click here to fill out and submit the form or " + "enable third-party cookies in your browser and refresh the page."; $(".error-description").append(iframeMessage); } } else { const blockedMessage = "We see that cookies are blocked. You must enable cookies in your browser and refresh the page to submit the form data." "You must enable cookies in your browser and refresh the page to submit the form data."; $(".error-description").append(blockedMessage); } $("body").css('width','100%'); $("body").css('height','100%'); $("body").css('margin','auto'); $("html").css('width','100%'); $("html").css('height','100%'); $("html").css('margin','auto'); $(".container").css('display','none'); $(".modal").css('display','none'); $(".cookie-error").css('display',''); if(GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_V3_ENABLED){ onRecaptchaLoadCallback(); } return; } Handlebars.registerHelper('ifOptStart', function (index, array, options) { var child = quiteGetAt(array, index+1); var parent = quiteGetAt(array, index); if (child && parent && child.value.length > parent.value.length) { return options.fn(this); } return options.inverse(this); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('ifOptEnd', function(index, array, options) { var child = quiteGetAt(array, index+1); var parent = quiteGetAt(array, index); if ((child == null && parent && parent.value.length >= 5) || (child && parent && child.value.length < parent.value.length)) { return options.fn(this); } return options.inverse(this); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('ifSubOption', function(index, array, options) { var child = quiteGetAt(array, index); for(var x = 0 ; x < array.length ; x++){ if(child.value.startsWith(array[x].value) && child.value !== array[x].value){ return options.fn(this); } } return options.inverse(this); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('ifROptStart', function(index, array, options) { var child = quiteGetAt(array, index+1); var parent = quiteGetAt(array, index); if (child && parent && child.value.length > parent.value.length) { return options.fn(this); } return options.inverse(this); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('ifROptEnd', function(index, array, options) { var child = quiteGetAt(array, index+1); var parent = quiteGetAt(array, index); if ((child == null && parent && parent.value.length >= 36) || (child && parent && child.value.length < parent.value.length)) { return options.fn(this); } return options.inverse(this); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('ifEquals', function(val1, val2, options) { return (val1 === val2) ? options.fn(this): options.inverse(this); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('convertToMB', function(item) { return convertToMB(item); }); init(); }); function quiteGetAt(array, index) { if (index < 0 || array.length <= index) return null; return array[index]; } function wrapText(str, length) { if (length <= 6 ) return str; if (str.length > length) { var dot = str.lastIndexOf("."); dot = (dot == -1) ? length-3 : dot; var extStr = str.substr(dot) return str.substr(0, length-3-extStr.length) + "..." + extStr; } return str; } function convertToMB(byteSize) { return byteSize / Math.pow(1024,2) } function appendBuildVersionQueryParam(str){ if(!str || typeof str !== "string"){ return str; } if(str.length > 0 && '?' !== str[str.length - 1]){ str = str + '?'; } return str + "[email protected]@"; } function validateOptionalMultiValuesBaseCheck(elem){ return validateOptionalBaseCheck(elem, getMultiValueInputFields(elem)); } function getMultiValueInputFields(elem) { return elem.domEl .find('.multi-value-pane') .find("input[type='" + elem.inputType + "']"); } function validateMaxLength(elem, val) { if (val === "" && elem.options.allowOptionalEmpty && !elem.isRequired()) { return true; } if (Alpaca.isEmpty(val)) { val = ""; } if ((""+val).length > elem.schema.maxLength) { return false; } return true; } function validateMinLength(elem, val) { if(val !== val) { // NaN val = ""; } if (val === "" && elem.options.allowOptionalEmpty && !elem.isRequired()) { return true; } if (Alpaca.isEmpty(val)) { val = ""; } if ((""+val).length < elem.schema.minLength) { return false; } return true; } function validateOptionalBaseCheck(self, fields){ var hasValueFunc = function() { return $(this).val(); }; if (self.isRequired() && getFieldsFilterLength(fields, hasValueFunc) != fields.length) { return false; } var matchesWhiteSpaceFunc = function() { return Alpaca.testRegex(Alpaca.regexps.whitespace, $(this).val()); }; if (self.options.disallowOnlyEmptySpaces && getFieldsFilterLength(fields, matchesWhiteSpaceFunc) > 0) { return false; } return true; } let valueFieldMap = new Map(); let matchFieldMap = new Map(); let fieldTitleMap = new Map(); function isMatchFieldEnabled(elem, fieldSource) { if(elem.matchField != null) { if(elem.matchField.enabled) { matchFieldMap.set(fieldSource, elem.matchField.fieldId) } } } function validateMatchField(elem) { if(matchFieldMap.get( != null) { var sourceVal = valueFieldMap.get(; var destFieldId = matchFieldMap.get(; if(sourceVal !== valueFieldMap.get(destFieldId)) { return false; } else { return true; } } } function getFieldsFilterLength(fields, func) { return (fields.filter(func).get()).length; } function isCookieAllowed() { let hostProto = "https"; let cookieName = 'irmTestCookie'; let cookieValue = 'trustarcTestCookie=' + cookieName; if(hostProto !== 'http'){ cookieValue += '; samesite=None; secure'; } document.cookie = cookieValue; return document.cookie.indexOf(cookieName) !== -1; } function inIframe () { try { return window.self !==; } catch (e) { return true; } } function isGPCEnabled () { const gpcParam = getUrlParameterByName('gpc'); return gpcParam !== null; } function hideErrors(element) { var self = element.getFieldEl(); self.removeClass('has-error'); self.children(".alpaca-message").remove(); }