Tag: United States

Aunque Ucrania, la UE y otros países entren en las negociaciones –como parte o como observadores–, como lo desea la diplomacia brasileña, no serán ellos quienes lleven la batuta.

L’Ue esiste solo perché lo vuole Washington: intervenendo in Ucraina senza che gli Stati Uniti glielo chiedano, l’Unione europea accelera la propria dissoluzione.

Trump has called this war correctly as the terrible waste in human and other resources that it is and the only ones, who profit from this carnage, are von der Leyen, Starmer, Zelensky and the American Democrats they answer to.

President Donald Trump’s address to Congress and the nation on Tuesday night was remarkably devoid of any mention of why the United States continues to both enable and be complicit in the Ukrainian conflict with Russia as well as with the war crimes that are being committed by the state of Israel against nearly all its neighbors on a daily basis.