HBO Max is confusing because of negotiations with cable carriers, which is expected, and negotiations with OTT resellers, which perhaps was not. Then, is Apple making a move?
Apple, Amazon, and Common Enemies
It is tempting — and useful — to look at Apple and Amazon’s deal in a bilateral context. It probably makes more sense, though, in the context of Netflix and the future of video.
Apple and Amazon Make a Deal, Three Angles, Apple vs. Amazon
Apple and Amazon make a deal; I suspect it has been in the works for a long time, including Apple Music being on Alexa.
Apple’s Services Event
Apple’s Services Event generally made sense, even if most products weren’t ready to launch. It’s fair to wonder, though, if something important is being lost.
Apple’s Errors Follow-up, Apple’s Services Pivot, Samsung Warns on Revenue
Apple’s Errors don’t preclude the idea that prices are too high; meanwhile, the company is meaningfully pivoting to services, at least in terms of content. Then, Samsung’s pain is Apple’s gain.
Apple Music on Amazon Echo, The Implications, Apple-Amazon Quid Pro Quos
Apple Music is coming to the Amazon Echo, a development that I find absolutely fascinating: what does this mean for Apple, and Spotify? Plus, this isn’t the first time Apple and Amazon have made a deal.
Apple’s Middle Age
For Apple, hitting middle age means a strategy primarily focused on monetizing its existing customers. It makes sense, but one wonders what happens next.
The iPhone 8 Price Rise, The Cellular Apple Watch, Apple TV 4K and Disney
The iPhone 8 price raise was unexpected and a reminder of how much Apple values margin. Then, the cellular Apple Watch was the real glimpse of the future, and why no one should be surprised Disney didn’t make a deal with Apple.
Apple’s Strengths and Weaknesses
Both Apple’s strengths and weaknesses were on full display at its annual WWDC keynote; the HomePod is a perfect example.
Facebook Content Guidelines, Facebook Video, Amazon Prime Video on Apple TV
Facebook faces a daunting challenge when it comes to policing content, but it is a challenge the company brought on itself. Then, Facebook’s video tab is competing against YouTube, not Amazon or Netflix, and business models explain why — and probably explain the Amazon-Apple truce.