Consoles and Competition

Reviewing the history of video games explains why Sony is dominant today, and why Microsoft is actually introducing competition, not limiting it.

Gaming the Smiling Curve

The spate of recent acquisitions in the gaming space — Take-Two and Zynga, Microsoft and Activision, and Sony and Bungie — make sense in the context of the Smiling Curve.

Microsoft and ZeniMax, Microsoft Ignite, Microsoft and COVID

More on Microsoft’s acquisition of ZeniMax and how it fits in with the company’s Xbox strategy, and then a review of the big themes from the company’s Ignite conference.

2020 Bundles

The state of bundles in 2020: Netflix, Disney, Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple. Plus, Microsoft’s purchase of ZeniMax.

The Problem with Facebook and Virtual Reality

Virtual reality has always been destined to be less important than augmented reality, and Facebook taking a stake has never made much sense.

The FBI Unlocks the San Bernardino iPhone, Sony to Make a New PS4?

The FBI has successfully unlocked the San Bernardino iPhone. Now the question is if they will say how. Still, I think this debate will now go away for quite a while. Then, Sony is making a new PS4 which makes sense given the changing market, even though it’s risky.