The DOJ’s remedy in the Google case don’t address the crime, and seem more focused on destroying value that Google built fairly.
Apple’s E.U. Fine, Apple’s Next Case?
Apple’s fine to the E.U. is really being paid by the U.S. Treasury; there may be another fine on the way
Crashes and Competition
The recent Windows crashes are downstream from trying to encourage competition in areas Microsoft should have never made open to begin with, highlighting the challenge for regulators.
Tech CEOs on Trump, X and the E.U., Apple Settles with E.U. Over NFC
Tech CEO’s role in the culture; then, the E.U. goes too far with X, and gets it right with Apple and NFC
The E.U. Goes Too Far
Recent E.U. regulatory decisions cross the line from market correction to property theft; if the E.U. continues down this path they are likely to see fewer new features and no new companies.
European Commission Charges Apple, Apple Delays New Features for E.U.
Apple is being charged by the E.U. for violations of the DMA; it’s no surprise, meanwhile, that Apple is citing the DMA for not launching new features in the E.U.
An Interview with Ben Thompson at the MoffettNathanson Media, Internet, and Communications Conference
An interview of me by Craig Moffett, Michael Nathanson, and Michael Morton about what an AI re-alignment in tech might look like, Meta’s spending, the realities of scale and the challenges in regulating Aggregators, the current state of the bundle, and a few other additional questions from the audience.
An Interview with Benedict Evans About Regulation and AI
An interview with Benedict Evans about his career, the differences between American and European approaches to regulation and antitrust, and the most important questions about AI.
Apple and Antitrust for Aggregators, DMA Investigations and Apple’s Risk
A much better antitrust case against Apple would focus on developers, not customers. Then, the E.U. is investigating all of American tech under the DMA; the chances of Apple leaving are not zero.
Apple Fined by European Commission, Apple’s Spotify Press Release, Apple Revokes Epic’s Developer Account (Again)
Apple’s response to their European Commission fine and their (re)suspension of Epic’s developer account suggest that the company truly believes they own nothing to developers.