
Nostr Real Time Statistics


Daily active users #

Weekly active users #

Retention of all users, 30 days after signup, % #

Retention of trusted users, 30 days after signup, % #

Daily new users #

Total users #

Daily profile events published #

Total profile events published #

Daily note events published #

Total note events published #

Daily other events published #

Total other events published #

Daily Zaps #

Total Zaps #

Daily Zap Amounts #

Total Zap Amount #

Users per relay (top 30) #

Events per relays (top 30, last week) #

Click on legends to enable/disable data sets.

Trusted pubkeys/users are public keys with non-zero trust rank.

Since Feb 20, spam/ads are dropped using our spam filter. `); $("#charts").removeClass("visually-hidden"); }; }; load(); $("input[name=\"time_range\"]").on("click", load); });