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Dokument origjinal (skedë SVG, fillimisht 504 × 586 pixel, madhësia e skedës: 395 bytes)

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Dansk: Scudetto - lille skjold med det italienske flag (Il Tricolore), som anvendes for at symbolisere et italiensk mesterskab indenfor en sportsgren.
English: The Scudetto, a small shield with the Italian flag (Il Tricolore) worn by sportspeople (either individual or in team) who is the incumbent title holder of the Italian championship of any sports ocmpetition any Italian champion any Italian sports competition.
Español: Scudetto, escudo con la bandera italiana (Il Tricolore) usado para mostrar un campeonato italiano en variados deportes.
Italiano: Lo Scudetto, piccolo triangolo a forma di scudo con i colori della bandiera italiana (Il Tricolore), usato per simboleggiare quegli sportivi, individuali o di squadra, campioni nazionali in carica di qualsiasi disciplina sportiva.
Burimi Punë e juaja
Autori Froztbyte
(Ripërdor këtë skedë)
Public domain This image of simple geometry is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship.
Versione tjera
SVG genesis
The SVG code is valid.
This coat of arms was created with Adobe Illustrator.


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20 tetor 2007


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e tanishme15 maj 2023 15:18Miniaturë për versionin duke filluar nga 15 maj 2023 15:18504 × 586 (395 bytes)Sarangoops - wrong color order // Editing SVG source code using c:User:Rillke/SVGedit.js
15 maj 2023 14:20Miniaturë për versionin duke filluar nga 15 maj 2023 14:20504 × 586 (395 bytes)Sarangreasonable code
11 mars 2023 17:36Miniaturë për versionin duke filluar nga 11 mars 2023 17:36503 × 586 (2 KB)Nilo1926Colors from File:Flag of Italy.svg, Pantone 7409 C
20 tetor 2007 02:43Miniaturë për versionin duke filluar nga 20 tetor 2007 02:43503 × 586 (1 KB)Froztbyte{{Information| |Description= {{da|'''Scudetto''' - lille skjold med det italienske flag (''Il Tricolore''), som anvendes for at symbolisere et italiensk mesterskab indenfor en sportsgren.}} {{en|'''Scudetto''' - small shield with the italian flag (''Il Tr
20 tetor 2007 02:33Miniaturë për versionin duke filluar nga 20 tetor 2007 02:33503 × 586 (1 KB)Froztbyte{{Information| |Description= {{da|'''Scudetto''' - lille skjold med det italienske flag (''Il Tricolore''), som anvendes for at symbolisere et italiensk mesterskab indenfor en sportsgren.}} {{en|'''Scudetto''' - small shield with the italian flag (''Il Tr

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