Dr. Randy Short - Writer, Historian, Researcher, Social Action Minister | 2020 Election, Rappers endorsing Trump, and Riots & Looting in Washington, DC, and Philadelphia
Professor Richard Wolff - Economic Professor, Marxist | Karl Marx, Capitalism & Marxism
Professor Daniel Bonevac - Philosophy Professor | Marxism, Neo-Marxism, Class Struggle & Intersectionality
In the first hour, Lee spoke with Dr. Randy Short about the 2020 election, Lil’ Wayne’s endorsement of President Trump, and the police shootings in Philadelphia and Washington, DC. Dr. Short discussed the shaming and bullying white and black Trump supporters have been facing these last four years and his hope of a landslide victory for President Trump.
Professor Richard Wolff joined the show and spoke about the legacy of Karl Marx and Marxism in today's society. Professor Wolff spoke of a great achievement of Karl Marx, which was his critical analysis of capitalism. Professor Wolff highly suggested reading work by people in favor of capitalism as well as those against capitalism.
In the second hour, Lee spoke with Professor Daniel Bonevac on the rise of Marxisim in public discourse and especially in the 2020 election. Professor Bonevac discussed the major conflict within intersectionality and the different groups, like trans men and women. Professor Bonevac spoke on the class, race, gender, and culture conflicts that have been happening in America and the possibility of a Biden administration creating more division amongst these conflicts.
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