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US Orders Personnel to Evacuate Comoros Due to Unrest - Embassy Alert

© David Stanley / MutsamuduMutsamudu, the main city of Anjouan Island, Union of the Comoros, is squeezed between the Indian Ocean and steep slopes
Mutsamudu, the main city of Anjouan Island, Union of the Comoros, is squeezed between the Indian Ocean and steep slopes - Sputnik International
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The United States has ordered all of its government personnel to evacuate the Indian Ocean island nation of the Comoros due to gunfire and political unrest, the US Embassy said in an alert on its website on Thursday.

"The Union of the Comoros is experiencing gunfire, political unrest, and infrastructure disruptions", the alert said. "US Government personnel have been ordered to depart the country".

The embassy warned citizens to avoid crowds and demonstrations, have evacuation plans that do not rely on US government assistance and review personal security plans.

READ MORE: Pakistan Summons US Embassy Officials Over 'Religious Freedom Report' — Source

According to the embassy, the Union of the Comoros has experienced demonstrations, civil unrest, and roadblocks impacting travel since the 24 March elections.

"Chief of Mission official and personal travel to Comoros is restricted until further notice except for mission-critical travel deemed essential by the Deputy Chief of Mission", the US Embassy said.

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