The hosts and guests will discuss Libertarian perspectives on the news including: how-uniquely in the USA-guns endanger innocent lives, how unaccountable think tanks promote "fake news" like the Browder-Magnitsky story. They'll also present Sputnik exclusive coverage of the killing of Dominic Jerome "DJ" Broadus II, and discuss other trending issues in the "Divided States of America."
Scheduled Guests, Topics, and Notes-subject to change: (Show 7-10 AM ET Friday Mar 2):
Jeff Morley — Author of "The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton" | Topic: The Israel Lobby and American Policy, the CIA and the Mossad (Israeli intelligence)
Holly "Hood" Harris | Topic: "Freedom Friday" Libertarian perspectives on the news
Dustin Stockton — Political Analyst and Former Breitbart Reporter | Topic: Guns and Mental Health w/ @DustinStockton
Lucy Komisar — Investigative Reporter | Topic: CFR report, with no evidence, promotes fake Browder-Magnitsky story
Bob Schlehuber | Topic: the killing of Dominic Jerome "DJ" Broadus II
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