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Visualizing Large 3D city models in the Web

Visualizing Large 3D city models in the Web

In this 1.5h tutorial that I gave at the Web3D 2014 conference in Vancouver, BC, Canada I presented different tools to prepare large geospatial data sets (in particular 3D city models), so they can be visualized in the Web.

The presentation starts with a motivating example explaining how 3D city models in the Web can help urban planners and decision makers to present their policy plans to the public to engage all stakeholders in the planning process.

Most of the talk consisted of a live demo where I actually converted a large CityGML model to X3D to put it into the web browser using WebGL/X3DOM.

Michel Krämer

August 09, 2014

More Decks by Michel Krämer

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  1. MAINZ 240 km² 147 048 buildings 240 terrain tiles 240

    orthophotos (JPG, 25cm/px) (XYZ TINs) (CityGML, LOD2) 5.4 GB = 59 305 acres
  2. SUMMARY Transform & convert buildings Optimize buildings for the Web

    1 2 3 cs3d-transform (CityServer3D) aopt (InstantReality) Transform & convert terrain cs3d-transform
  3. Simplify terrain (optional) Optimize terrain for the Web 4 5

    6 MeshLab aopt Merge orthophotos gdal_translate (GDAL)
  4. Merge and convert terrain Transform merged terrain 7 8 9

    cs3d-merge MeshLab Simplify merged terrain MeshLab
  5. OUTLOOK X3DOM 2.0 Shape Resource Container SRC – A Streamable

    Format for Generalized Web-based 3D Data Transmission Max Limper, Maik Thöner, Johannes Behr, Dieter W. Fellner Streaming in the Web OGC 3D Portrayal Service Workshop: Geospatial information on the Web, Mike McCann (& Volker Coors) Right after the break