
Zetsuen no Tempest Episode 1 Impression


My first thought after watching the episode was basically the opening (OP). It kinda reminds me something like the Ef: A Tale of Memories OP which is all English (besides the Japanese version that the song has). Anyway, the series overall seems to also be a good one especially showing a lot of action and mystery theme. The starting of the story introduced the main plot between the two protagonists that the series will follow. They both look cool so far to me at the very least. So other than that, there's not much to say and hopefully the second episode will turn out good.

Conclusion: Another nice action series for this Fall season.
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この記事を書いた人: SparkNorkx
SparkNorkx is an anime blogger who loves to blog about anime, games and more since 2011. For Japanese language focused updates, feel free to follow on Twitter.


