Dhole Moments
Writings about information security, cryptography, software, and humanity, from a member of the furry fandom.
From the Furry Fandom…
Featured Furries
Can’t get enough of blog posts written by furries? This post aims to curate some of the other blogs written by furries that are worth sharing with my regular readers. Many (but not all) of these furry blogs are focused on technology in some way. Background Information Many years ago, I wrote a post titled…
Soa Talks (Latest Posts)
Post-Quantum Cryptography Is About The Keys You Don’t Play
(With severe apologies to Miles Davis.) Post-Quantum Cryptography is coming. But in their haste to make headway on algorithm adoption, standards organizations (NIST, IETF) are making a dumb mistake that will almost certainly bite implementations in the future. Sophie Schmieg wrote about this topic at length and Filippo Valsorda suggested we should all agree to…
On The Insecurity of Telecom Stacks in the Wake of Salt Typhoon
Towards the end of last year, we learned that a group (allegedly affiliated with the Chinese government, referred to as “Salt Typhoon”) breached T-Mobile and other telecommunications companies and caused all sorts of havoc. This isn’t really a blog post about that incident, but it was the catalyst that inspired a bit of curiosity within…
Shaming Isn’t Shielding: The Moral Panics That Cry Wolf
Content Warning: This blog post talks about adult themes and sexuality. If you’re under 18, sit this one out. If you’ve been around the furry fandom for a while, you will notice that discourse tends to have a cyclical nature to it. I’ve written about this topic before. More than once. And even covered it…