
  • Personnel with developmental disabilities
    Support for demonstrating abilities in employment

    We aim to create an environment where the diversity of people with developmental disabilities is recognized and they can demonstrate their abilities and thrive in their areas of expertise.

    Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
    Human Health Sciences
    Advanced Occupational Therapy
    Associate Professor
    Sayaka Yoshimura
    Japan Research Institute, Ltd.
    Center for Emergent Strategies
    Senior Development
    Tomoyuki Kimura
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  • Overcoming the cycle of poverty, inequality, and abuse
    Research, development and dissemination of educational approaches

    We develop and disseminate educational approaches to help children overcome challenges in life.

    Kyoto University Graduate School of Education
    Educational Practice Collaboration
    Kanae Nishioka
    Japan Research Institute, Ltd.
    Center for Emergent Strategies
    Naoki Yamamoto
    Learn more
  • To ensure everyone's dignity during and after life
    Sustainable self-care and decision-making and support

    We consider how to support the decision-making process that maintains the dignity of each individual and helps them realize the person they want to be at the final stage of their life.

    Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University
    Satoshi Kodama
    Japan Research Institute, Ltd.
    Center for Emergent Strategies
    Senior Specialist
    Kanae Sawamura
    Learn more