The Body Art on Hands Print Advertisement

Advertisement don’t have a second chance to make a first impression. They should be well thought out and catchy enough to influence the viewer’s opinion. Designing print ads is more demanding than some may think since there is no direct communication with the target audience. Body art is one of the challenging tasks, but it is eye catchy way to attract audience. These are outstanding body arts on hands presenting as print Advertisements. You will like this too Disturbing Print Ads , Creative Print Media Advertisements and Creative Outdoor Ads.


Gold’s Gym
The Body Art on Hands Print Advertisment

As Bold As Zebra (1986)


The Body Art on Hands Print Advertisement

As Bold As Zebra (1986)



The Body Art on Hands Print Advertisement




The Body Art on Hands Print Advertisement

Ushaka: Turtle



The Body Art on Hands Print Advertisement


Clown fish


The Body Art on Hands Print Advertisement

Clown fish

Penguin Books


The Body Art on Hands Print Advertisement

Penguin Books

Penguin Books 2


The Body Art on Hands Print Advertisement

Penguin Books

Secretaria Estadual Da Saúde


The Body Art on Hands Print Advertisement

Secretaria Estadual Da Saúde

Secretaria Estadual Da Saúde


The Body Art on Hands Print Advertisement

Secretaria Estadual Da Saúde

The Body Art on Hands Print Advertisement The Body Art on Hands Print Advertisement

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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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1 Comment

  1. kenal says:

    BEAUTIFUL and Great post, it is amazing what people can do with Art. Every last one of these ads are very creative.