8 wordpress theme for government and politicians
Here are 8 wordpress themes for government and politicians. I used to really hate visiting government websites because they are slow and ugly to look at. Fortunately, times have changed and I am seeing more and more government adopting the latest in web design and aesthetics.
A case in point is using wordpress as the CMS to based the whole government site on. As a result of this new demand, there are some theme developers who have started developing wordpress themes for governments and politicians. Below are some of the best looking wordpress themes that you can purchase if you are working on a government website.
City government wordpress theme
One of the best looking theme in themeforest, the city government wordpres theme contains many useful functions that are relevant to a city government. For example, there is a event management for hosting government events as well as a city map module to show the important aspects of a city.
Political responsive wordpress theme
As the name implies, this government wordpress theme is fully responsive with a strong typography design to make reading easier. There is a lot of customization options for those who want to make the government websites a bit more unique.
Politic buddypress theme for government
One of the rare government wordpress theme that comes with a multi user function. Using the buddypress framework, the theme allow anyone to register on an account on the site and interact with others. In other words, it allows you to create a mini social network among voters who support a particular candidate or government.
Candidate wordpress theme for politicians
Candidate can be used for votes gathering or marshaling a grassroot movement. The only downside is that the theme does not have a responsive design, thus means it might not present well on mobile devices.
Campaign – A political wordpress theme
Campaign is built to drive results during elections. It has an in built email opt in function that allows you to capture emails of potential voters and let you drive more successfully email campaigns.
Cause – A beautiful non profit wordpress theme for government
Cause is a multi functional website that can be used to serve many different purposes, including a being used as a city government website.
Political wordpress theme
The Political wordpress theme include all the function you need to run for office. Featuring a new section for your latest announcements as well as a social element to engage your voters, this theme will work great for any city government candidate.
Transparent wordpress theme for city government
I mentioned this theme before in my round up article of transparent wordpress themes. It is a nice free wordpress theme for politicians and/or governments and carries a nice transparent background.