Search in Slack

As you and your team work together in Slack, you'll create a searchable archive of conversations and decisions. Watch the video below for a short overview, then continue reading to learn more about search.

Start a search



  1. Click the search field at the top of Slack.
  2. Type what you're looking for into the search field (or select a recent search if you'd like). To narrow your results, add modifiers to your search.
  3. Select an option from the list, or press Enter to view all results. Click  Filters to refine your search results further. 
  1. Tap the Search bar at the top of your screen.
  2. Tap the search field and type what you're looking for. To narrow your results, add modifiers to your search.
  3. Tap Search or the  magnifying glass in the list of suggested results. Tap More filters to further refine your results.

Tip: With Slack AI, ask questions in your own words and get answers based on relevant knowledge already in Slack. Learn more about Slack AI. 

Narrow your search with modifiers

To narrow the scope of your results, you can add modifiers to your search. Refer to the table below for a list of modifiers you can use to search in Slack.

How to narrow your search Example
Add quotation marks to search for a specific phrase "marketing report" will find results containing the entire phrase
Add a dash in front of a specific word to omit results that contain it marketing -report will find results for marketing that do not contain the word report
Add in: and a channel name, coworker(s) name, or section name to search within specific conversations marketing report in:#team-marketing will find results in the #team-marketing channel
Add from: in front of a display name to search for information shared by someone specific marketing report from:@Sara will find results from Sara
Add has: in front of an emoji code to search for messages with a specific emoji reaction marketing report has::eyes: will find results people reacted to with the eyes emoji (using hasmy::eyes: will find results that you've reacted to)
Add is:saved or has:pin to search for something you’ve added to your saved items or is pinned to a conversation marketing report is:saved will find results that you’ve added to your Saved items
Add before:, after:, or on: in front of a date, or during: in front of a month or year marketing report during:august will find results shared during the month of August
Add is:thread to search within threads marketing report is:thread will find results within threads
Add with: in front of a display name to search in threads and direct messages (DMs) with a specific person marketing report with:@Sara will find results in threads and DMs with Sara
Add creator: in front of a display name to search canvases created by a specific person marketing report creator:@Sara will find results that are in canvases created by Sara
Add a dash in front of the in: or from: modifiers to omit results that match that modifier marketing report -in:#team-marketing will find results for marketing report, but will omit results from the #team-marketing channel

Tip: You can combine multiple modifiers to find information more quickly. For example, marketing report in:#team-marketing from:@Sara will find results for marketing report in the #team-marketing channel from Sara.

Filter and sort your search results

To help you find exactly what you need, you can sort and filter your search results.



After performing a search:

  • Click Messages, Files, Canvases, Channels, or People at the top of the search view to switch between result types.
  • To refine your results, open a dropdown menu below the result types or click  Filters.  

After performing a search:

  • Tap Messages, Canvases, Files, Channels, People, or Workflows to switch between results.
  • To refine your results, tap any of the Sort drop-down menus, or choose from the available Filters.

Note: When you use Slack on your desktop, you’ll see more filtering options than you will on the mobile apps.

Additional search tips

  • Start a search using keyboard shortcuts

    Type ⌘G on a Mac or CtrlG on Windows or Linux. You can also search in a specific conversation by typing ⌘F on a Mac or CtrlF on Windows or Linux from any channel or DM.

  • See results that begin with a partial word

    Add an asterisk to a partial word with at least three characters to see results that begin with those specific letters. For example, rep* may show results for reply or report.

  • Customize your search options

    Visit our article to learn how to set your search preferences in Slack.