Latin American Workshop on Formal Methods LAFM 2013
Workshop affiliated to CONCUR 2013, Buenos Aires, August 26 2013
Formal approaches to software development are techniques that aim at developing quality software by employing notations, analysis processes, etc., based on mathematical grounds. Although traditionally they aim at increasing software correctness, formal techniques have been applied to various other aspects of software quality. Moreover, while originally formal methods employed complex "heavyweight" mechanisms for analysis (often manual or semi automated), there has been a progress towards embracing "lightweight", many times fully automated, analysis techniques, that broaden the adoption of formal methods in various software engineering contexts.
The objective of the Latin American Workshop on Formal Methods is bringing together researchers working in formal methods, and related areas such as automated analysis. In particular, we seek to provide a venue for Latin American researchers working in these areas, to promote their interaction and collaboration.
The workshop will be held as an associated even of CONCUR 2013, the 24th International Conference on Concurrency Theory. It will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina’s capital and largest city, and one of the most interesting cultural places in South America.
Invited Speaker
Marcelo F. Frias, Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires and CONICET, Argentina