

Cliff House, 1904

What's New?

February 2025: Sacramento Police Department Historical Mug Books: This index (50% completed) includes the names of criminals, family, victims and lawmen from the historical mug books and wanted bulletins of the Sacramento Police Department. The books include individuals from across California (San Francisco, Berkeley, Oakland, San Jose, San Diego, Long Beach, Stockton, Folsom and San Quentin Prisons) as well as Portland and Tacoma (Oregon) and the Nevada State Police.

Would you like to be a volunteer for this project? But, don't want to commit to too much? How about indexing records online in front of your own computer? Take a look at the tutorial: The Tutorial.

January 2025: New links to city, railroad, and telephone directories at the Internet Archive (for various counties and Chinese Genealogy). Includes links for San Francisco Blue Books (aka Social directories) from 1888 to 1931.

October 2024: A-files (San Francisco) Index: This index is of Alien Files (A-Files) held by the National Archives at San Francisco. The index includes over 410,000 records and 314,023 unique a-file numbers. According to the National Archives, these a-files are “for individuals who were born 1920 and prior, largely from the INS-Honolulu and INS-San Francisco District Offices.”

September 2024: Interested in Chinese Genealogy? Take a look at our page in the links to the right. The San Francisco Public Library now has free access to My China Roots (which looks impressive).

Major Databases and Indexes

City/Town ⇒ County Lookup



San Francisco Bay Area Map