use Irssi; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); $VERSION = '0.0.3'; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Koenraad Heijlen', contact => '[email protected]', commands => 'ws', name => 'word_scramble', description => 'A script that scrambles all the letters in a word except the first and last.', license => 'GNU GPL version 2', url => '', changed => '2018-05-11' ); #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Changelog #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # # 0.0.3 (2018-05-11)- bw1 # - fixed the help bug # # 0.0.2 (2003-09-17)- Koenraad Heijlen # - fixed the four letter word bug # - fixed the non alphanummeric characters bug # - some improvement in returning \n # # 0.0.1 (2003-09-15) - Koenraad Heijlen # - first draft # #-------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Public Variables #-------------------------------------------------------------------- my %myHELP = (); #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Help function #-------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_help { my ($about) = @_; %myHELP = ( ws => "%9ws - wordscramble%9 /ws scrambles the text you type, and outputs it in the current (active) channel or query. ", ); if ( $about =~ /(ws)/i ) { Irssi::print($myHELP{ws},MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP); Irssi::signal_stop; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # scrambles one word #-------------------------------------------------------------------- sub scrambleWord { # 0 : first # length : last-1 # length+1 : last #substr EXPR,OFFSET,LENGTH,REPLACEMENT my $l = 0; my $r = 0; my $out = ""; my $word = shift; chomp($word); if (length($word) <= 3) { return $word; } my $l = length($word)-2; $l = $l; $out = substr($word,0,1); while ($l != 1) { $r = int(rand()*$l+1); if ($r == 0) { next; } #$r == $l is no marginalcase. $out .= substr($word,$r,1); substr($word,$r,1,substr($word,$l,1)); $l--; } $out .= substr($word,$l,1); $out .= substr($word,length($word)-1,1); return $out; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # scrambles line #-------------------------------------------------------------------- sub scrambleLine{ my $line = shift; my $outline = ""; my $word = ""; my $i=0; my @splitLine; #we leave the \n at the end, less interference. #chomp($line); @splitLine=split(/(\W)/,$line); # every other item in the array is the split string for ($i=0; $i<= $#splitLine;$i++) { $outline .= scrambleWord($splitLine[$i]); $i++; if ($i <= $#splitLine) { $outline .= $splitLine[$i]; } } return $outline; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Defintion of /ws #-------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_ws { my ($args, $server, $witem) = @_; if (!$server || !$server->{connected}) { Irssi::print("Not connected to server"); return; } my $scrambledLine = scrambleLine($args); if ($witem && ($witem->{type} eq "CHANNEL" || $witem->{type} eq "QUERY")) { # there's query/channel active in window $witem->command("MSG ".$witem->{name}." $scrambledLine"); } else { Irssi::print("Nick not given, and no active channel/query in window"); } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Irssi::Settings / Irssi::command_bind #-------------------------------------------------------------------- Irssi::command_bind("ws", "cmd_ws", "Scramble Line"); Irssi::command_bind("help","cmd_help", "Irssi commands"); #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # This text is printed at Load time. #-------------------------------------------------------------------- #nothing #- end