#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Twitter Theme (twitter_theme.pl)
# Colorizes Twitter-like message components (configured for Bitlbee-style).
# Removes redundant URLs.
# Note: Will remove existing color and formatting on message part.
# v1.0 (Official Release)
# - Commands
# * Add reset colors command
# v0.8a
# - URLs
# * Filter characters from URL removal
# v0.7a
# - Colorization
# * Treat whitespace on message text
# as a single blob
# v0.6a
# - Regex
# * Usertags can have . as first char
# - Features
# * Fixing broken is_long_url() result
# v0.5a
# - Commands
# * Cleaned up command bindings for help
# * Added new help for colors (color list)
# - Features
# * Implemented background colors
# v0.4a
# - Commands
# * Implemented help command
# - Settings
# * Added COLORS hash mapping
# * Implemented color settings
# * Validated color settings
# - Functionality
# * Refactored colorize function
# * Added more helpers and organized layout
# v0.3a
# - Settings
# * Added settings for colors
# * Added setting to toggle long url removal
# v0.2a
# - Signals
# * Added signal for own public
# * Changed all signals to fire last
# * Factored out signals / colorize routines
# - Regex
# * Modified <...> to be more greedy
# - Features
# * Added channel validation setting
use strict;
use warnings;
use Irssi;
#use Data::Dumper;
#$Data::Dumper::Indent = 2;
$VERSION = "0.4";
%IRSSI = (
authors => "Sam Stoller",
contact => "snstoller\@gmail.com",
name => "Twitter Theme",
description => "Assign colors to tweet message components",
license => "Public Domain",
url => "http://github.com/samstoller/irssi-twitter-theme",
changed => "2014-11-10"
white => 0,
black => 1,
blue => 2,
green => 3,
lred => 4,
red => 5,
magenta => 6,
yellow => 7,
lyellow => 8,
lgreen => 9,
cyan => 10,
lcyan => 11,
lblue => 12,
lmagenta => 13,
gray => 14,
lgray => 15
bitlbee => 'lgray',
hash => 'yellow',
http => 'gray',
retweet => 'black green',
text => 'white',
user => 'magenta'
# Command subroutines #
sub cmd_twt {
if ( $_[0] eq 'colors' ) {
} elsif ( $_[0] eq 'reset' ) {
} else {
sub cmd_colors {
< ...] or [all]
Color Config:
With Twitter Theme, you can colorize up to six different message components as described below.
In the very least you must set the foreground (text) color, the background color is optional.
For a list of valid colors, see the 'Colors' section below.
Setting Name Foreground Background Component
/SET twt_color_bitlbee [] [] [0x->0x] - Bitlbee IDs
/SET twt_color_hash [] [] #hashtags - Hashtags
/SET twt_color_http [] [] http(s):// - URLs
/SET twt_color_retweet [] [] RT - Retweets
/SET twt_color_text [] [] 'string' - Text
/SET twt_color_user [] [] \@usertags - Usernames
/SET twt_remove_long_urls [ON|OFF|TOGGLE]
Known Issues:
* Existing colors and formatting will be removed from the message part. Note that the message
does not include nicks, so nick color will be preserved, however highlights will not.
* Channels of the same name across different servers cannot be individually configured. For
example, setting your channel list to #twitter is server-agnostic and will colorize all
#twitter channels regardless of which server you are connected to.
/SET twt_
List all Twitter Theme settings
/SET twt_channels #perl #irssi #twitter
Set list of channels to three specific channels
/SET twt_color_http gray
Set the colorization theme for URLs
/SET twt_color_hash yellow lblue
Set the colorization theme for hashtags
This help text
/twt colors
Display available colors
/twt reset
Reset colors to the default theme
sub cmd_reset {
# Component defaults are in the global space
while( my($k, $v) = each %COMPONENTS ) {
Irssi::settings_set_str( 'twt_color_' . $k, $v );
Irssi::settings_set_str( 'twt_channels', 'all' );
Irssi::settings_set_bool( 'twt_remove_long_urls', 1 );
Irssi::print('Twitter Theme settings reset.');
# Signal subroutines #
# Colorize user public messages
sub sig_public {
my ( $server, $msg, $nick, $address, $target ) = @_;
$msg = colorize( $msg, $target );
Irssi::signal_continue( $server, $msg, $nick, $address, $target );
# Colorize your public messages
sub sig_own_public {
my ( $server, $msg, $target ) = @_;
$msg = colorize( $msg, $target );
Irssi::signal_continue( $server, $msg, $target );
# Validates channel and color settings
sub sig_setup_changed {
# Helper subroutines #
sub colorize {
my ( $msg, $target ) = @_;
my $pretty_msg = '';
my $previous = '';
# Is this channel set to be colorized?
return $msg if ( !is_enabled_chan($target) );
# Remove colors and some formatting (too messy otherwise)
$msg =~ s/\x03\d?\d?(,\d?\d?)?|\x02|\x1f|\x16|\x06|\x07//g;
# Tokenize message string
my @words = $msg =~ /(\S+)/g;
foreach my $word (@words) {
# Skip long URLs if setting enabled
if ( not( has_remove_long_URLs() and is_long_URL($word) ) ) {
# Get the type of component and if it's the first component
my $component = detect_component($word);
my $msg_start = $pretty_msg eq '' ? 1 : 0;
# Modify word hook
$word = modify_word($word, $component);
# If this is part of the text message then don't reset colors
if ($component eq 'text' && $component eq $previous) {
$pretty_msg .= ($msg_start ? '' : ' ') . $word;
} else {
$pretty_msg .= chr(15) . ($msg_start ? '' : ' ') . get_component_color($component) . $word;
$previous = $component;
return $pretty_msg . chr(15);
sub detect_component {
my ($word) = @_;
my $component = 'text';
# Bitlbee-style Tweet #'s, eg: [f9], [04]->[ca]
if ( $word =~ /\[[0-9A-Za-z]{2}(\->[0-9A-Za-z]{2})?\]/ ) {
$component = 'bitlbee';
elsif ( $word =~ /\bRT\b/ ) {
$component = 'retweet';
elsif ( $word =~ /^\.?@.+/ ) {
$component = 'user';
elsif ( $word =~ /^#.+/ ) {
$component = 'hash';
elsif ( $word =~ /^\(?https?:\/\// ) {
$component = 'http';
return $component;
sub modify_word {
my ($word, $component) = @_;
# Remove leading open parens from URLs
if ( $component eq 'http' ) {
$word =~ s/^\(?(.*)$/$1/;
return $word;
sub is_long_URL {
my ($word) = @_;
return 1 if ( $word =~ /<\S+\.\S+>/ );
return 0;
# Setting subroutines #
sub get_component_color {
# Returns array of color names (eg. green magenta)
my @colors
= split( /\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str( 'twt_color_' . $_[0] ) );
# Converts names to color codes, then to string, then prepend \003
chr(3) . join( ',', map { sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{$_} ); } @colors );
sub get_channels {
return Irssi::settings_get_str('twt_channels');
sub has_remove_long_URLs {
return Irssi::settings_get_bool('twt_remove_long_urls');
sub is_all_chan {
return 1 if ( get_channels() eq 'all' );
return 0;
sub is_enabled_chan {
my ($target) = @_;
my $enabled = 0;
return 1 if ( is_all_chan() );
# Channel must match one in settings
foreach my $chan ( split( /\s+/, get_channels() ) ) {
if ( lc($chan) eq lc($target) ) {
$enabled = 1;
last; # break
return $enabled;
sub validate_channels {
my $setting = '';
my $server = Irssi::active_server();
my $old = get_channels();
if ( $old !~ m/\ball\b/i ) {
# Valid channels are saved while invalid are discarded
foreach my $chan ( $old =~ /(\S+)/g ) {
if ( $server->ischannel($chan) ) {
$setting .= $chan . ' ';
else {
"'" . $chan . "' is not a valid channel name." );
# Default Setting - All Channels
# $setting is empty b/c nothing valid was set OR
# the word 'all' was detected in setting string above
if ( $setting eq '' ) { $setting = 'all'; }
Irssi::settings_set_str( 'twt_channels', $setting );
sub validate_colors {
foreach my $component (keys %COMPONENTS) {
my $setting = '';
my $to_validate
= lc( Irssi::settings_get_str( 'twt_color_' . $component ) );
# Validate only the first two colors
foreach my $color ( $to_validate =~ /(\S+)/g ) {
if ( !exists $COLORS{$color} ) {
$setting = 'lgray';
Irssi::print( "'"
. $color
. "' is not a valid color.\nType '/twt colors' to see a list."
else {
$setting .= $color . ' ';
Irssi::settings_set_str( 'twt_color_' . $component, $setting );
sub print_colors {
chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'white'} ).','.sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'black'} ) . ' white ' .
chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'black'} ).','.sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'lgray'} ) . 'black' . "\n" .
chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'gray'}) . ' gray ' .
chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'lgray'}) . 'lgray' . "\n" .
chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'yellow'}) . ' yellow ' .
chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'lyellow'}) . 'lyellow' . "\n" .
chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'green'}) . ' green ' .
chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'lgreen'}) . 'lgreen' . "\n" .
chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'cyan'}) . ' cyan ' .
chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'lcyan'}) . 'lcyan' . "\n" .
chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'blue'}) . ' blue ' .
chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'lblue'}) . 'lblue' . "\n" .
chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'magenta'}) . ' magenta ' .
chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'lmagenta'}) . 'lmagenta' . "\n" .
chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'red'}) . ' red ' .
chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'lred'}) . 'lred' . "\n",
' '.chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'white'} ).','.sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'black'} ) . 'black' . "\n" .
' '.chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'black'} ).','.sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'lgray'} ) . 'lgray' . "\n" .
' '.chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'black'} ).','.sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'yellow'} ) . 'yellow' . "\n" .
' '.chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'black'} ).','.sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'green'} ) . 'green' . "\n" .
' '.chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'black'} ).','.sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'cyan'} ) . 'cyan' . "\n" .
' '.chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'white'} ).','.sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'blue'} ) . 'blue' . "\n" .
' '.chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'white'} ).','.sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'magenta'} ) . 'magenta' . "\n" .
' '.chr(3).sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'white'} ).','.sprintf( '%02d', $COLORS{'red'} ) . 'red' . "\n",
# Main routine #
# Bind (to commands)
Irssi::command_bind( 'twt', \&cmd_twt, 'Twitter Theme' );
Irssi::command_bind( 'twt reset', \&cmd_twt );
Irssi::command_bind( 'twt colors', \&cmd_twt );
# Bind (to signals)
Irssi::signal_add_last( 'message public', 'sig_public' );
Irssi::signal_add_last( 'message own_public', 'sig_own_public' );
Irssi::signal_add_last( 'setup changed', 'sig_setup_changed' );
# Settings (init w/ defaults)
while( my($k, $v) = each %COMPONENTS ) {
Irssi::settings_add_str( $IRSSI{'name'}, 'twt_color_' . $k, $v );
Irssi::settings_add_str( $IRSSI{'name'}, 'twt_channels', 'all' );
Irssi::settings_add_bool( $IRSSI{'name'}, 'twt_remove_long_urls', 1 );