# trigger.pl - execute a command or replace text, triggered by an event in irssi
# Do /TRIGGER HELP or look at http://wouter.coekaerts.be/irssi/ for help
# Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Wouter Coekaerts
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
use strict;
use Irssi 20020324 qw(command_bind command_runsub command signal_add_first signal_continue signal_stop signal_remove);
use Text::ParseWords;
use IO::File;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = '1.3.1';
%IRSSI = (
authors => 'Wouter Coekaerts',
contact => '[email protected]',
name => 'trigger',
description => 'execute a command or replace text, triggered by an event in irssi',
license => 'GPLv2 or later',
url => 'http://wouter.coekaerts.be/irssi/',
changed => '2022-12-28',
sub cmd_help {
%U%_When to match%_%U
%UOn which types of event to trigger%U
These are simply specified by -name_of_the_type
The normal IRC event types are:
publics, %|privmsgs, (pub|priv)actions, (pub|priv)notices, (pub|priv)ctcps, (pub|priv)ctcpreplies, joins, parts, quits, kicks, topics, invites, nick_changes, dcc_msgs, dcc_actions, dcc_ctcps
mode_channel: %|a mode on the (whole) channel (like +t, +i, +b)
mode_nick: %|a mode on someone in the channel (like +o, +v)
-all is an alias for all of those.
Additionally, there is:
rawin: %|raw text incoming from the server
send_command: %|commands you give to irssi
send_text: %|lines you type that aren't commands
beep: %|when irssi beeps
notify_join: %|someone in you notify list comes online
notify_part: %|someone in your notify list goes offline
notify_away: %|someone in your notify list goes away
notify_unaway: %|someone in your notify list goes unaway
notify_unidle: %|someone in your notify list stops idling
(pub|priv)flood: %|flood in a channel or in private detected. See /set flood. Be careful, these flood signals can trigger many times for one flood (unless you have autoignore enabled)
%UFilters (conditions) the event has to satisfy%U
They all take one parameter. If you can give a list, seperate elements by space and use quotes around the list.
All filters except for -pattern and -regexp can also be inversed by prefixing with -not_.
-pattern: %|The message must match the given pattern. ? and * can be used as wildcards
-regexp: %|The message must match the given regexp. (see man perlre)
%|if -nocase is given as an option, the regexp or pattern is matched case insensitive
-tags: %|The servertag must be in the given list of tags
-channels: %|The event must be in one of the given list of channels.
Examples: %|-channels '#chan1 #chan2' or -channels 'IRCNet/#channel'
%|-channels 'EFNet/' means every channel on EFNet and is the same as -tags 'EFNet'
-masks: %|The person who triggers it must match one of the given list of masks
-hasmode: %|The person who triggers it must have the give mode
Examples: %|'-o' means not opped, '+ov' means opped OR voiced, '-o&-v' means not opped AND not voiced
-hasflag: %|Only trigger if friends.pl (friends_shasta.pl) or people.pl is loaded and the person who triggers it has the given flag in the script (same syntax as -hasmode)
-other_hasflag: %|Same as above but for the victim for kicks or mode_nick.
-prefix: %|For publics, match what prefix the message was sent to (eg statusmsg, +z). Space separated list, use '' to match only messages sent to no prefix (ie, plain publics only)
Examples: %|-prefix '@' matches messages sent to @#channel
%|-prefix '@ +' matches messages sent to @#channel or +#channel, but not @+#channel
%|-prefix '' matches only messages sent to #channel, not @#channel or any other
%U%_What to do when it matches%_%U
-command: Execute the given Irssi-command
%|You are able to use $1, $2 and so on generated by your regexp pattern.
%|For multiple commands ; can be used as seperator
%|The following variables are also expanded:
$T: %|Server tag
$C: %|Channel name
$O: %|Your nick
$N: %|Nickname of the person who triggered this command
$A: %|His address ([email protected]),
$I: %|His ident (foo)
$H: %|His hostname (bar.com)
$M: %|The complete message
${other}: %|The victim for kicks or mode_nick
${mode_type}: %|The type ('+' or '-') for a mode_channel or mode_nick
${mode_char}: %|The mode char ('o' for ops, 'b' for ban,...)
${mode_arg} : %|The argument to the mode (if there is one)
%|$\X, with X being one of the above expands (e.g. $\M), escapes all non-alphanumeric characters, so it can be used with /eval or /exec. Don't use /eval or /exec without this, it's not safe.
-replace: %|replaces the matching part with the given replacement in the event (requires a -regexp or -pattern)
-once: %|remove the trigger if it is triggered, so it only executes once and then is forgotten.
-stop: %|stops the signal. It won't get displayed by Irssi. Like /IGNORE
-debug: %|print some debugging info
-last: %|Don't process any more triggers for this message
%U%_Other options%_%U
-disabled: %|Same as removing it, but keeps it in case you might need it later
-name: %|Give the trigger a name. You can refer to the trigger with this name in add/del/change commands
Knockout people who do a !list:
%#/TRIGGER ADD %|-publics -channels "#channel1 #channel2" -nocase -regexp ^!list -command "KN $N This is not a warez channel!"
React to !echo commands from people who are +o in your friends-script:
%#/TRIGGER ADD %|-publics -regexp '^!echo (.*)' -hasflag '+o' -command 'say echo: $1'
Ignore all non-ops on #channel:
%#/TRIGGER ADD %|-publics -actions -channels "#channel" -hasmode '-o' -stop
Send a mail to yourself every time a topic is changed:
%#/TRIGGER ADD %|-topics -command 'exec echo $\N changed topic of $\C to: $\M | mail [email protected] -s topic'
%U%_Examples with -replace%_%U
%|Replace every occurence of shit with sh*t, case insensitive:
%#/TRIGGER ADD %|-all -nocase -regexp shit -replace sh*t
%|Strip all colorcodes from *!lamer@*:
%#/TRIGGER ADD %|-all -masks *!lamer@* -regexp '\x03\d?\d?(,\d\d?)?|\x02|\x1f|\x16|\x06' -replace ''
%|Never let *[email protected] or *[email protected] hilight you
%|(this works by cutting your nick in 2 different parts, 'myn' and 'ick' here)
%|you don't need to understand the -replace argument, just trust that it works if the 2 parts separately don't hilight:
%#/TRIGGER ADD %|-all masks '*[email protected] *[email protected]' -regexp '(myn)(ick)' -nocase -replace '$1\x02\x02$2'
%|Avoid being hilighted by !top10 in eggdrops with stats.mod (but show your nick in bold):
%#/TRIGGER ADD %|-publics -regexp '(Top.0\(.*\): 1.*)(my)(nick)' -replace '$1\x02$2\x02\x02$3\x02'
%|Convert a Windows-1252 Euro to an ISO-8859-15 Euro (same effect as euro.pl):
%#/TRIGGER ADD %|-regexp '\x80' -replace '\xA4'
%|Show tabs as spaces, not the inverted I (same effect as tab_stop.pl):
%#/TRIGGER ADD %|-all -regexp '\t' -replace ' '
} # /
my @triggers; # array of all triggers
my %triggers_by_type; # hash mapping types on triggers of that type
my $recursion_depth = 0;
my $changed_since_last_save = 0;
### formats ###
'trigger_header' => 'Triggers:',
'trigger_line' => '%#$[-4]0 $1',
'trigger_added' => 'Trigger $0 added: $1',
'trigger_not_found' => 'Trigger {hilight $0} not found',
'trigger_saved' => 'Triggers saved to $0',
'trigger_loaded' => 'Triggers loaded from $0'
### catch the signals & do your thing ###
# trigger types with a message and a channel
my @allchanmsg_types = qw(publics pubactions pubnotices pubctcps pubctcpreplies parts kicks topics);
# trigger types with a message
my @allmsg_types = (@allchanmsg_types, qw(privmsgs privactions privnotices privctcps privctcpreplies dcc_msgs dcc_actions dcc_ctcps quits));
# trigger types with a channel
my @allchan_types = (@allchanmsg_types, qw(mode_channel mode_nick joins invites pubflood send_text));
# trigger types in -all
my @all_types = (@allmsg_types, qw(mode_channel mode_nick joins invites nick_changes));
# trigger types that can use -masks
my @mask_types = (@all_types, qw(notify_join notify_part notify_away notify_unaway notify_unidle));
# trigger types with a server
my @all_server_types = (@mask_types, qw(rawin pubflood privflood));
# all trigger types
my @trigger_types = (@all_server_types, qw(send_command send_text beep));
#trigger types that are not in -all
#my @notall_types = grep {my $a=$_; return (!grep {$_ eq $a} @all_types);} @trigger_types;
my @notall_types = qw(rawin notify_join notify_part notify_away notify_unaway notify_unidle send_command send_text beep pubflood privflood);
my @signals = (
# "message public", SERVER_REC, char *msg, char *nick, char *address, char *target
'types' => ['publics'],
'signal' => 'message public',
'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,1,$_[0],$_[4],$_[2],$_[3],'publics');},
# "message irc op_public", SERVER_REC, char *msg, char *nick, char *address, char *target
'types' => ['publics'],
'signal' => 'message irc op_public',
'sub' => sub {
my ($prefix, $channel, $statusmsg);
$channel = $_[4];
$statusmsg = quotemeta($_[0]->isupport('statusmsg') // '@');
$channel =~ s/^([$statusmsg]+)//;
$prefix = $1;
# "message private", SERVER_REC, char *msg, char *nick, char *address
'types' => ['privmsgs'],
'signal' => 'message private',
'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,1,$_[0],undef,$_[2],$_[3],'privmsgs');},
# "message irc action", SERVER_REC, char *msg, char *nick, char *address, char *target
'types' => ['privactions','pubactions'],
'signal' => 'message irc action',
'sub' => sub {
if ($_[4] eq $_[0]->{nick}) {
} else {
# "message irc notice", SERVER_REC, char *msg, char *nick, char *address, char *target
'types' => ['privnotices','pubnotices'],
'signal' => 'message irc notice',
'sub' => sub {
if ($_[4] eq $_[0]->{nick}) {
} else {
# "message join", SERVER_REC, char *channel, char *nick, char *address
'types' => ['joins'],
'signal' => 'message join',
'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,-1,$_[0],$_[1],$_[2],$_[3],'joins');}
# "message part", SERVER_REC, char *channel, char *nick, char *address, char *reason
'types' => ['parts'],
'signal' => 'message part',
'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,4,$_[0],$_[1],$_[2],$_[3],'parts');}
# "message quit", SERVER_REC, char *nick, char *address, char *reason
'types' => ['quits'],
'signal' => 'message quit',
'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,3,$_[0],undef,$_[1],$_[2],'quits');}
# "message kick", SERVER_REC, char *channel, char *nick, char *kicker, char *address, char *reason
'types' => ['kicks'],
'signal' => 'message kick',
'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,5,$_[0],$_[1],$_[3],$_[4],'kicks',{'other'=>$_[2]});}
# "message topic", SERVER_REC, char *channel, char *topic, char *nick, char *address
'types' => ['topics'],
'signal' => 'message topic',
'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,2,$_[0],$_[1],$_[3],$_[4],'topics');}
# "message invite", SERVER_REC, char *channel, char *nick, char *address
'types' => ['invites'],
'signal' => 'message invite',
'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,-1,$_[0],$_[1],$_[2],$_[3],'invites');}
# "message nick", SERVER_REC, char *newnick, char *oldnick, char *address
'types' => ['nick_changes'],
'signal' => 'message nick',
'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,-1,$_[0],undef,$_[1],$_[3],'nick_changes',{'other'=>$_[2]});}
# "message dcc", DCC_REC *dcc, char *msg
'types' => ['dcc_msgs'],
'signal' => 'message dcc',
'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,1,$_[0]->{'server'},undef,$_[0]->{'nick'},undef,'dcc_msgs');
# "message dcc action", DCC_REC *dcc, char *msg
'types' => ['dcc_actions'],
'signal' => 'message dcc action',
'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,1,$_[0]->{'server'},undef,$_[0]->{'nick'},undef,'dcc_actions');}
# "message dcc ctcp", DCC_REC *dcc, char *cmd, char *data
'types' => ['dcc_ctcps'],
'signal' => 'message dcc ctcp',
'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,1,$_[0]->{'server'},undef,$_[0]->{'nick'},undef,'dcc_ctcps');}
# "server incoming", SERVER_REC, char *data
'types' => ['rawin'],
'signal' => 'server incoming',
'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,1,$_[0],undef,undef,undef,'rawin');}
# "send command", char *args, SERVER_REC, WI_ITEM_REC
'types' => ['send_command'],
'signal' => 'send command',
'sub' => sub {
# "send text", char *line, SERVER_REC, WI_ITEM_REC
'types' => ['send_text'],
'signal' => 'send text',
'sub' => sub {
# "beep"
'types' => ['beep'],
'signal' => 'beep',
'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_,-1,undef,undef,undef,undef,'beep');}
# "event ", SERVER_REC, char *args, char *sender_nick, char *sender_address
'types' => ['mode_channel', 'mode_nick'],
'signal' => 'event mode',
'sub' => sub {
my ($server, $event_args, $nickname, $address) = @_;
my ($target, $modes, $modeargs) = split(/ /, $event_args, 3);
return if (!$server->ischannel($target));
my (@modeargs) = split(/ /,$modeargs);
my ($pos, $type, $event_type, $arg) = (0, '+');
foreach my $char (split(//,$modes)) {
if ($char eq "+" || $char eq "-") {
$type = $char;
} else {
if ($char =~ /[Oovh]/) { # mode_nick
$event_type = 'mode_nick';
$arg = $modeargs[$pos++];
} elsif ($char =~ /[beIqdk]/ || ( $char =~ /[lfJ]/ && $type eq '+')) { # chan_mode with arg
$event_type = 'mode_channel';
$arg = $modeargs[$pos++];
} else { # chan_mode without arg
$event_type = 'mode_channel';
$arg = undef;
'mode_type' => $type,
'mode_char' => $char,
'mode_arg' => $arg,
'other' => ($event_type eq 'mode_nick') ? $arg : undef
# "notifylist joined", SERVER_REC, char *nick, char *user, char *host, char *realname, char *awaymsg
'types' => ['notify_join'],
'signal' => 'notifylist joined',
'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_, 5, $_[0], undef, $_[1], $_[2].'@'.$_[3], 'notify_join', {'realname' => $_[4]});}
'types' => ['notify_part'],
'signal' => 'notifylist left',
'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_, 5, $_[0], undef, $_[1], $_[2].'@'.$_[3], 'notify_left', {'realname' => $_[4]});}
'types' => ['notify_unidle'],
'signal' => 'notifylist unidle',
'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_, 5, $_[0], undef, $_[1], $_[2].'@'.$_[3], 'notify_unidle', {'realname' => $_[4]});}
'types' => ['notify_away', 'notify_unaway'],
'signal' => 'notifylist away changed',
'sub' => sub {check_signal_message(\@_, 5, $_[0], undef, $_[1], $_[2].'@'.$_[3], ($_[5] ? 'notify_away' : 'notify_unaway'), {'realname' => $_[4]});}
# "ctcp msg", SERVER_REC, char *args, char *nick, char *addr, char *target
'types' => ['pubctcps', 'privctcps'],
'signal' => 'ctcp msg',
'sub' => sub {
my ($server, $args, $nick, $addr, $target) = @_;
if ($target eq $server->{'nick'}) {
check_signal_message(\@_, 1, $server, undef, $nick, $addr, 'privctcps');
} else {
check_signal_message(\@_, 1, $server, $target, $nick, $addr, 'pubctcps');
# "ctcp reply", SERVER_REC, char *args, char *nick, char *addr, char *target
'types' => ['pubctcpreplies', 'privctcpreplies'],
'signal' => 'ctcp reply',
'sub' => sub {
my ($server, $args, $nick, $addr, $target) = @_;
if ($target eq $server->{'nick'}) {
check_signal_message(\@_, 1, $server, undef, $nick, $addr, 'privctcpreplies');
} else {
check_signal_message(\@_, 1, $server, $target, $nick, $addr, 'pubctcpreplies');
# "flood", SERVER_REC, char *nick, char *host, int level, char *target
'types' => ['pubflood', 'privflood'],
'signal' => 'flood',
'sub' => sub {
my ($server, $nick, $host, $level, $target) = @_;
if ($target eq $server->{'nick'}) {
check_signal_message(\@_, -1, $server, undef, $nick, $host, 'privflood');
} else {
check_signal_message(\@_, -1, $server, $target, $nick, $host, 'pubflood');
sub sig_send_text_or_command {
my ($signal, $iscommand) = @_;
my ($line, $server, $item) = @$signal;
my ($channelname,$nickname,$address) = (undef,undef,undef);
if ($item && (ref($item) eq 'Irssi::Irc::Channel' || ref($item) eq 'Irssi::Silc::Channel')) {
$channelname = $item->{'name'};
} elsif ($item && ref($item) eq 'Irssi::Irc::Query') { # TODO Silc query ?
$nickname = $item->{'name'};
$address = $item->{'address'}
# TODO pass context also for non-channels (queries and other stuff)
check_signal_message($signal,0,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$iscommand ? 'send_command' : 'send_text');
my %filters = (
'tags' => {
'types' => \@all_server_types,
'sub' => sub {
my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
if (!defined($server)) {
return 0;
my $matches = 0;
foreach my $tag (split(/ /,$param)) {
if (lc($server->{'tag'}) eq lc($tag)) {
$matches = 1;
return $matches;
'channels' => {
'types' => \@allchan_types,
'sub' => sub {
my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
if (!defined($channelname) || !defined($server)) {
return 0;
my $matches = 0;
foreach my $trigger_channel (split(/ /,$param)) {
if (lc($channelname) eq lc($trigger_channel)
|| lc($server->{'tag'}.'/'.$channelname) eq lc($trigger_channel)
|| lc($server->{'tag'}.'/') eq lc($trigger_channel)) {
$matches = 1;
last; # this channel matches, stop checking channels
return $matches;
'masks' => {
'types' => \@mask_types,
'sub' => sub {
my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
$address //= '';
return (defined($nickname) && defined($server) && $server->masks_match($param, $nickname, $address));
'other_masks' => {
'types' => ['kicks', 'mode_nick', 'nick_changes'],
'sub' => sub {
my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
return 0 unless defined($extra->{'other'});
my $other_address = ($condition ne 'nick_changes') ? get_address($extra->{'other'}, $server, $channelname) : $address;
return defined($other_address) && $server->masks_match($param, $extra->{'other'}, $other_address);
'hasmode' => {
'types' => \@all_types,
'sub' => sub {
my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
return hasmode($param, $nickname, $server, $channelname);
'other_hasmode' => {
'types' => ['kicks', 'mode_nick'],
'sub' => sub {
my ($param,$signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
return defined($extra->{'other'}) && hasmode($param, $extra->{'other'}, $server, $channelname);
'hasflag' => {
'types' => \@all_types,
'sub' => sub {
my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
return 0 unless defined($nickname) && defined($address) && defined($server);
my $flags = get_flags ($server->{'chatnet'},$channelname,$nickname,$address);
return defined($flags) && check_modes($flags,$param);
'other_hasflag' => {
'types' => ['kicks', 'mode_nick'],
'sub' => sub {
my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
return 0 unless defined($extra->{'other'});
my $other_address = get_address($extra->{'other'}, $server, $channelname);
return 0 unless defined($other_address);
my $flags = get_flags ($server->{'chatnet'},$channelname,$extra->{'other'},$other_address);
return defined($flags) && check_modes($flags,$param);
'mode_type' => {
'types' => ['mode_channel', 'mode_nick'],
'sub' => sub {
my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
return (($param) eq $extra->{'mode_type'});
'mode_char' => {
'types' => ['mode_channel', 'mode_nick'],
'sub' => sub {
my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
return (($param) eq $extra->{'mode_char'});
'mode_arg' => {
'types' => ['mode_channel', 'mode_nick'],
'sub' => sub {
my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
return (($param) eq $extra->{'mode_arg'});
'prefix' => {
'types' => ['publics'],
'sub' => sub {
my ($param, $signal,$parammessage,$server,$channelname,$nickname,$address,$condition,$extra) = @_;
return 0 unless defined($extra->{'prefix'}) || $param eq '';
return 1 unless defined($extra->{'prefix'});
my $matches = 0;
foreach my $prefix (split(/ /, $param)) {
if ($extra->{'prefix'} eq $prefix) {
$matches = 1;
return $matches;
sub get_address {
my ($nick, $server, $channel) = @_;
my $nickrec = get_nickrec($nick, $server, $channel);
return $nickrec ? $nickrec->{'host'} : undef;
sub get_nickrec {
my ($nick, $server, $channel) = @_;
return unless defined($server) && defined($channel) && defined($nick);
my $chanrec = $server->channel_find($channel);
return $chanrec ? $chanrec->nick_find($nick) : undef;
sub hasmode {
my ($param, $nickname, $server, $channelname) = @_;
my $nickrec = get_nickrec($nickname, $server, $channelname);
return 0 unless defined $nickrec;
my $modes =
($nickrec->{'op'} ? 'o' : '')
. ($nickrec->{'voice'} ? 'v' : '')
. ($nickrec->{'halfop'} ? 'h' : '')
return check_modes($modes, $param);
# list of all switches
my @trigger_switches = (@trigger_types, qw(all nocase stop once debug disabled last));
# parameters (with an argument)
my @trigger_params = qw(pattern regexp command replace name);
# all options that can be used to set filters, including negative matches (not_)
my @trigger_filter_options = map(($_,'not_'.$_), keys(%filters));
# list of all options (including switches) for /TRIGGER ADD
my @trigger_add_options = (@trigger_switches, @trigger_params, @trigger_filter_options);
# same for /TRIGGER CHANGE, this includes the -no