use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); # This script assumes all windows have the same width, which will # practically always be true. use Irssi qw(active_win command_bind); $VERSION = '1.20'; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Juerd', contact => '[email protected]', name => 'Script Information', description => 'Access script information', license => 'Public Domain', url => '', changed => 'Tue Mar 19 11:00 CET 2002', ); sub iprint { Irssi::print(join('', @_), MSGLEVEL_CRAP); } command_bind 'script info' => sub { my ($data, $server) = @_; if ($data !~ /\S/) { iprint 'Usage: /script info '; return; } no strict 'refs'; iprint "\c_== Script info for $data =="; if (not exists $Irssi::Script::{ "${data}::" }) { iprint 'Script is not loaded.'; return; } my %info = %{ "Irssi::Script::${data}::IRSSI" }; $info{version} = ${ "Irssi::Script::${data}::VERSION" }; if (join('', values %info) eq '') { iprint 'Script has no $VERSION and no %IRSSI. ', 'Please ask the author to read ', ''; return; } my $max = 0; length > $max and $max = length for keys %info; my $width = active_win->{width} - 14 - $max; s/([^\n]{$width})/$1\n/g for values %info; s/(?<=\n)/' ' x ($max + 2)/eg for values %info; for (qw/name version description authors contact/) { if (exists $info{$_}) { iprint"\cC5$_\cC", ' ' x (2 + $max - length $_), $info{$_}; delete $info{$_}; } } for (sort keys %info) { iprint "\cC5$_\cC", ' ' x (2 + $max - length $_), $info{$_}; } }; command_bind 'script sv' => sub { my ($data, $server) = @_; if ($data !~ /\S/) { iprint 'Usage: /script sv '; return; } no strict 'refs'; if (not exists $Irssi::Script::{ "${data}::" }) { iprint 'Module is not loaded.'; return; } my $name = ${ "Irssi::Script::${data}::IRSSI" }{name}; my $url = ${ "Irssi::Script::${data}::IRSSI" }{url}; my $version = ${ "Irssi::Script::${data}::VERSION" }; my $text = "$name $version"; $text .= " - $url" if $url; if ($text !~ /\S/) { iprint 'Script has no information.'; return; } active_win->command("say $text"); }; command_bind 'script versions' => sub { # Actually, upgrading them would be quite easy :) # Update: Actually, it's possible now! use :) my ($data, $server) = @_; no strict 'refs'; my @modules; for (sort grep s/::$//, keys %Irssi::Script::) { my $name = ${ "Irssi::Script::${_}::IRSSI" }{name}; my $version = ${ "Irssi::Script::${_}::VERSION" }; push @modules, [$_, $name, $version] if $name && $version; } my @max; for (@modules) { my $i = -1;; length > $max[++$i] and $max[$i] = length for @$_; } my $i; my $text = join "\n", map { $i = 0 || join ' ', map { $_ . ' ' x ($max[$i++] - length) } @$_ } @modules; iprint $text; };