use strict; use warnings; use Irssi 20171006; use Irssi::UI; our $VERSION = '1.0'; # 7775fccf37d60a5 our %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Nei', contact => 'Nei @ [email protected]', url => "", name => 'savecmdhist', description => 'Saves the commands you typed in the input prompt to a history file, so that they persist across /upgrade and restart.', license => 'ISC', ); # Usage # ===== # Put the script in autorun if you want the history to be loaded on # start. my $histfile = Irssi::get_irssi_dir()."/cmdhistory"; sub loadcmdhist { my %R = ("n" => "\n", "\\" => "\\", ";" => ";"); my $fh; unless (open $fh, '<', $histfile) { warn "Could not open history file ($histfile) for readin: $!\n" if -e $histfile; return; } my @hist; while (defined(my $line = <$fh>)) { chomp $line; if ($line =~ /^: (\d*):(\d*):(.*?) :;(.*)$/) { push @hist, +{ time => $1, window => length $2 ? $2 : undef, history => length $3 ? $3 : undef, }; $hist[-1]{text} = $4 =~ s/\\(\\|;|n)/$R{$1}/gmsr; } } my $he1 = @{[Irssi::UI::Window::get_history_entries(undef)]}; Irssi::UI::Window::load_history_entries(undef, @hist) if @hist && $he1 <= 1; } sub savecmdhist { my %R = ("\n" => "\\n", "\\" => "\\\\", " :;" => " :\\;"); my $old_umask = umask 0077; my $fh; unless (open $fh, '>', $histfile) { umask $old_umask; warn "Could not open history file ($histfile) for writing: $!\n"; return; } umask $old_umask; no warnings 'uninitialized'; for my $hist (Irssi::UI::Window::get_history_entries(undef)) { my $text = $hist->{text} =~ s/(\n|\\| :;)/$R{$1}/gmsr; print $fh ": $hist->{time}:$hist->{window}:$hist->{history} :;$text\n"; } close $fh; } Irssi::signal_add 'gui exit' => sub { savecmdhist() if Irssi::settings_get_bool('settings_autosave'); }; Irssi::signal_add 'command save' => 'savecmdhist'; loadcmdhist();