use Irssi; use strict; use vars qw/$VERSION %IRSSI/; $VERSION = 1.0; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'David Leadbeater', contact => '[email protected]', name => 'resize_split', description => 'Resizes a split window when it is made active (see comments in script for details)', license => 'GNU GPLv2 or later', url => '', ); # This script is for if you have a split window for status (or anything else) # it makes it bigger when it's active. # (The way I have Irssi setup is with a split status window along the top, # created with /window show 1 in a channel window). # For example you do a command that outputs a large amount of text into # the status window such as /help or /motd (depending on what you put in # your status window). Then simply hit alt+up and the status window resizes # to give you more room to read the output, when you go back to another window # the status window will automatically go back to its previous size. # BUGS (mostly due to lack of Irssi API for split windows). # As far as I can see there is no easy way to find out where in a split a # window is displayed, so if more than one window is sticky inside a split # and you set that window in the setting below this script will have problems. # Also if you have more than 2 split windows things won't work as expected. # Setting: resize_windows # A space seperated list of windows that you want to be resized when you # change to them. # If it contains something that's not a (permanently displayed) split window # then windows will probably end up with incorrect sizes. Irssi::settings_add_str("misc", "resize_windows", "1"); Irssi::signal_add("window changed", \&winchg); sub winchg { my($newwin, $oldwin) = @_; if(is_resized($oldwin->{refnum})) { my $height = $oldwin->{height} - $newwin->{height}; return if $height < 0; # Work around bug in Irssi, minus numbers here # do weird things (i.e. grow without error # checking) $oldwin->command("window shrink $height"); } if(is_resized($newwin->{refnum})) { my $height = $oldwin->{height} - $newwin->{height}; return if $height < 0; # same problem as above.. $newwin->command("window grow $height"); } } sub is_resized { for my $refnum(split ' ', Irssi::settings_get_str("resize_windows")) { return 1 if $refnum == $_[0]; } }