#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: randaway.pl,v 1.12 2003/01/10 10:47:04 lkarsten Exp lkarsten $
# Irssi script for random away-messages.
# adds /raway, /awayadd, /awayreasons and /awayreread.
# Based on simular script written by c0ffee.
# original version made public in march 2002.
# changelog:
# sep/02 - kuba wszolek ([email protected]) reported problems with multiple
# servers in v1.8 .. proposed fix is imported.
# jan/03 - Wouter Coekaerts ([email protected]) provided fix using
# get_irssi_dir() instead of $ENV[]. imported.
use strict;
use Irssi 20011116;
use Irssi::Irc;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = '1.14';
%IRSSI = (
authors => "Lasse Karstensen",
contact => "lkarsten\@stud.ntnu.no",
name => "randaway.pl",
description => "Random away-messages",
license => "Public Domain",
url => "http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~lkarsten/irssi/",
# file to read random reasons from. It should contain one
# reason at each line, empty lines and lines starting with # is
# skipped.
my $reasonfile = Irssi::get_irssi_dir() . "/awayreasons";
my @awayreasons;
sub readreasons {
undef @awayreasons;
if (-f $reasonfile) {
Irssi::print("=> Trying to read awayreasons from $reasonfile");
open F, "<", $reasonfile;
# this actually makes the while() work like a while and not
# like a read() .. ie, stopping at each \n.
local $/ = "\n";
while () {
my $reason = $_;
# remove any naughty linefeeds.
# skips reason if it's an empty line or line starts with #
if ($reason =~ /^$/ ) { next; }
if ($reason =~ /^#/ ) { next; }
# adds to array.
push(@awayreasons, $reason);
close F;
Irssi::print("=> Read " . scalar(@awayreasons) . " reasons.");
} else {
# some default away-reasons.
Irssi::print("Unable to find $reasonfile, no reasons loaded.");
push(@awayreasons, "i\'m pretty lame!");
push(@awayreasons, "i think i forgot something!");
sub cmd_away {
# only do our magic if we're not away already.
if (Irssi::active_server()->{usermode_away} == 0) {
my ($reason) = @_;
# using supplied reason if .. eh, supplied, else find a random one if not.
if (!$reason) { $reason = $awayreasons[rand @awayreasons]; }
Irssi::print("awayreason used: $reason");
my $server = Irssi::servers();
$server->command('AWAY '.$reason);
} else {
Irssi::print("you're already away");
sub add_reason {
my ($reason) = @_;
if (!$reason) {
Irssi::print("Refusing to add empty reason.");
} else {
# adding to current environment.
push(@awayreasons, $reason);
# and also saving it for later.
open(F, ">>", $reasonfile);
print F $reason,"\n";
close F;
Irssi::print("Added: $reason");
sub reasons {
Irssi::print("Listing current awayreasons");
foreach my $var (@awayreasons) {
Irssi::print("=> \"$var\"");
# -- main program --
Irssi::command_bind('raway', 'cmd_away');
Irssi::command_bind('awayreread', 'readreasons');
Irssi::command_bind('awayadd', 'add_reason');
Irssi::command_bind('awayreasons', 'reasons');
# -- end of script --