# OpenURL by Stefan'tommie' Tomanek
# 05.06.2002
# * complete rewrite
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = "20030208";
%IRSSI = (
authors => "Stefan 'tommie' Tomanek",
contact => "stefan\@pico.ruhr.de",
name => "OpenURL",
description => "Stores URLs in a list and launches mail, web or ftp software",
license => "GPLv2",
url => "http://scripts.irssi.org",
changed => "$VERSION",
commands => "openurl"
use Irssi 20020324;
use Irssi::TextUI;
use Irssi::UI;
use vars qw(@urls %urltypes $recent);
$recent = 1;
# RegExp & defaultcommands
%urltypes = ( http => { regexp => qr#((?:https?://[^\s<>"]+|www\.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^\s.,;<">\):])#, cmd => 'w3m "$1"' },
ftp => { regexp => qr#((?:ftp://[^\s<>"]+|ftp\.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^\s.,;<">\):])#, cmd => 'ncftp "$1"' },
mail => { regexp => qr#([-_a-z0-9.]+\@[-a-z0-9.]+\.[-a-z0-9.]+)#, cmd => 'mutt "$1" -s "$2"' },
sub draw_box ($$$$) {
my ($title, $text, $footer, $colour) = @_;
my $box = '';
$box .= '%R,--[%n%9%U'.$title.'%U%9%R]%n'."\n";
foreach (split(/\n/, $text)) {
$box .= '%R|%n '.$_."\n";
} $box .= '%R`--<%n'.$footer.'%R>->%n';
$box =~ s/%.//g unless $colour;
return $box;
sub show_help() {
my $help=$IRSSI{name}." ".$VERSION."
List the saved URLs
/openurl ...
Load the corresponding URLs in your browser/mailer
/openurl paste ...
Paste the selected URLs to the current channel/query
/openurl topics
Look for URLs in channel topics
/openurl clear
Clear all URLs
/openurl help
Display this help
my $text = '';
foreach (split(/\n/, $help)) {
$_ =~ s/^\/(.*)$/%9\/$1%9/;
$text .= $_."\n";
print CLIENTCRAP draw_box($IRSSI{name}." help", $text, "help", 1) ;
sub list_urls {
my $string = '';
my $i = 1;
foreach (@urls) {
my $text = $_->{url};
my $url = $_->{url};
$text = $_->{text} if Irssi::settings_get_bool('openurl_display_context');
$url =~ s/%/%%/g;
$text =~ s/%/%%/g;
$text =~ s/\Q$url/%U$url%U/;
if ($recent-1 == $i) {
$string .= '%B»%n';
} else {
$string .= ' ';
$string .= '%r['.$i.']%n ';
$string .= '<'.$_->{channel};
$string .= '/'.$_->{nick} unless $_->{nick} eq "";
$string .= '> ';
$string .= $text." %n\n";
print CLIENTCRAP draw_box("OpenURL", $string, "URLs", 1);
sub event_private_message {
my ($server, $text, $nick, $address) = @_;
process_line($server, $nick, $nick, $text);
sub event_public_message {
my ($server, $text, $nick, $address, $target) = @_;
process_line($server, $target, $nick, $text);
sub event_topic_changed {
my ($channel) = @_;
process_line($channel->{server}, $channel->{name}, "", $channel->{topic});
sub process_line ($$$$) {
my ($server, $target, $nick, $line) = @_;
my $url = get_url($line);
if ($url) {
my $type = url_type($url);
return unless Irssi::settings_get_bool('openurl_watch_'.$type);
new_url($server, $target, $nick, $line, $url);
sub get_url ($) {
my ($text) = @_;
foreach (keys %urltypes) {
return $1 if ($text =~ /$urltypes{$_}->{regexp}/);
sub url_type ($) {
my ($url) = @_;
foreach (keys %urltypes) {
return $_ if ($url =~ /$urltypes{$_}->{regexp}/);
sub launch_url ($) {
my ($url) = @_;
my $type = url_type($url);
my $address = $url;
my $suffix= "";
if ($type eq "mail") {
$address = $1 if $url =~ /(.*?@.*?)($|\?)/;
$suffix = $2 if $url =~ /(.*?@.*?)\?subject=(.*)/;
my $command = Irssi::settings_get_str("openurl_app_".$type);
$command =~ s/\$1/$address/;
$command =~ s/\$2/$suffix/;
sub new_url ($$$$$) {
my ($server, $channel, $nick, $text, $url) = @_;
$recent = 1 if ($recent > Irssi::settings_get_int('openurl_max_urls'));
# Check for existance of URL
my $i = 1;
foreach (@urls) {
if ($text eq $_->{text} && $channel eq $_->{channel}) {
my $note_id = add_note($server, $channel, $i);
push @{$_->{notes}}, $note_id;
if (defined $urls[$recent-1]) {
$urls[$recent-1] = {channel => $channel,
text => $text,
nick => $nick,
url => $url,
notes => [],
my $note_id = add_note($server, $channel, $recent);
push @{$urls[$recent-1]{notes}}, $note_id;
sub del_notes ($) {
my ($num) = @_;
my $view;
my $witem = Irssi::window_item_find($urls[$num-1]->{channel});
if (defined $witem) {
$view = $witem->window()->view();
if (defined $view) {
foreach (@{$urls[$num-1]->{notes}}) {
my $line = $view->get_bookmark($_);
$view->remove_line($line) if defined $line;
$view->set_bookmark($_, undef);
@{$urls[$num-1]->{notes}} = ();
sub add_note ($$$) {
my ($server, $target, $num) = @_;
my $witem;
if (defined $server) {
$witem = $server->window_item_find($target);
} else {
$witem = Irssi::window_item_find($target);
if (defined $witem) {
$witem->print("%R>>%n OpenURL ".$num, MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
# create a unique ID for the mark
my $foo = time().'-'.int(rand()*1000);
sub clear_urls {
del_notes($_) foreach (0..scalar(@urls)-1);
pop(@urls) foreach (1..scalar(@urls));
$recent = 1;
print CLIENTCRAP '%R>>%n URLs cleared';
sub cmd_openurl ($$$) {
my ($arg, $server, $witem) = @_;
my @args = split(/ /, $arg);
if (scalar(@args) == 0) {
} elsif ($args[0] eq 'clear') {
} elsif ($args[0] eq 'topics') {
event_topic_changed($_) foreach (Irssi::channels());
} elsif ($args[0] eq 'help') {
} elsif ($args[0] eq 'open') {
} else {
my $paste = 0;
if ($args[0] eq 'paste') {
$paste = 1;
foreach (@args) {
next unless /\d+/;
next unless defined $urls[$_-1];
my $url = $urls[$_-1]->{url};
if ($paste == 1) {
if (ref $witem && ($witem->{type} eq "CHANNEL" || $witem->{type} eq "QUERY")) {
$witem->command("MSG ".$witem->{name}." ".$url);
} else {
foreach (keys %urltypes) {
Irssi::settings_add_str($IRSSI{'name'}, 'openurl_app_'.$_, "screen ".$urltypes{$_}->{cmd});
Irssi::settings_add_bool($IRSSI{'name'}, 'openurl_watch_'.$_, 1);
Irssi::settings_add_int($IRSSI{'name'}, 'openurl_max_urls', 20);
Irssi::settings_add_bool($IRSSI{'name'}, 'openurl_display_context', 1);
Irssi::signal_add_last("message private", "event_private_message");
Irssi::signal_add_last("message public", "event_public_message");
Irssi::signal_add_last("channel topic changed", "event_topic_changed");
#Irssi::signal_add('open url', \&launch_url);
foreach my $cmd ('topics', 'clear', 'paste', 'help') {
Irssi::command_bind('openurl '.$cmd => sub {
cmd_openurl("$cmd ".$_[0], $_[1], $_[2]); });
Irssi::command_bind('openurl', 'cmd_openurl');
print CLIENTCRAP '%B>>%n '.$IRSSI{name}.' '.$VERSION.' loaded: /openurl help for help';